Core beliefs and deadly habits are just below the level of "want/need" and not able to ASK for it....
Belief that asking will ALWAYS result in a NO and more abuse... resulting in an attitude/habit of why bother?
Belief that what I want/need isn't important resulting in an attitude of why try?
Habit of not asking (believing in pretermined negative results) results in anger, resentment & misplaced blame & self-punishment/abuse for being angry unfairly... I am the ONLY PERSON who can ask for what I want/need; the only one who MUST believe I'm important enough, deserving enough to ask for basic human interactions...
Oh yeah - and don't forget FEAR...
FEAR that believing in myself and making my wants/needs known will result in something HORRIBLE, over powering, happening to me.
This last one, is a fear-belief that Twiggy developed... because she didn't have those core beliefs or habits I listed first. She took matters into her own hands - intervening in her parent's fight - and stood up for what she wanted: stop it - no more - I won't allow this anymore!! That took belief in herself, her power, the righteous of her "want"/"need"... and guts.
But, within a few hours of that experience Twiggy was overpowered by the rapist; her body betrayed her by becoming pregnant; her mother denied the whole reality of her injuries and how it happened...her mind betrayed her with dissociation... and then her mother insisted that Twiggy think & feel the approved "party line" and be like HER: permanently broken.
So just as quickly as Twiggy discovered the depth & strength of her own power - she learned almost immediately that it wasn't enough. That's how this belief and fear - deep down - got created.
VERY IMPORTANT: the state of being broken should've been; could've been temporary - with the right help at the time. It was rather late in arriving - but this help DID arrive - and the crooked healing has been rebroken, reset straight... and healing IS occurring, finally.
NOW, the challenge is convincing Twiggy that it was only her parents, the rapist who were like this... persuading her that she CAN trust other people to not do this to her... that she CAN ask for and really get what she wants, by simply asking and being willing to PLAY...
Play is how we create new habits. We experiment, try out different roles, where we can see the possibilities of different results. It's what artists do... and Twiggy - of all people - knows how to do this... it's my nature, really. Make up new "rules" as I go along... try something and see how it works... and change it if it doesn't.