Thank you all so much. Each word has given me guidance and strength. I will respond soon, but right now I need to scrape of the web I was entangled in. Since Sunday I have been very sad. Yesterday I needed so badly to share my inner thoughts, as twisted as they seemed. And today I need to shed all the demons she inflicts, off of me once and for all.
My n sister triggered other patterns she has displayed with me over the years, robbing me of celebrations, joys etc.
I understand this is what she is, an empty vessel..............
So after my d graduation and her typical phone calls came to a freeze I again realized she was putting a dark cloud over a beautiful day for me and our family. I was left feeling used, dirty.
How could she do this to me after all I have given her? She has not an ounce of love for me? I know the answer, none.
Yet when I looked back to that nice day i was marred by her ignoring what had happened. Putting her black mark, leaving me with a memory of her wickedness.
After posting yesterday I couldn't do anything, I was exhausted and very vulnerable. I did not do anything, I was numb, sad, almost felt like I was grieving. Odd I know.
Then when DH came home, he held his head as we chatted, him knowing I wasn't myself. He said, I don't know why but I can't believe you sister has not called you. Then continued to say she is a selfish rude blank. He said all you listen and do for her.
He begged me not to call her.
My husband at least validated that this was not her usual pattern. Many phone calls were now gone.
Later in the evening still having no energy I needed to call her. The mystery of her silence was killing me. I told my husband I was making the call, he wasn't happy. But I told him I'm getting eaten up by this, I am feel spooked not knowing what is going through her ill mind. I said you can't understand but I need to get this over with, it is so heavy and pushing me down.So I called her. I decided to be very upbeat and not bring anything up.
Her son answered and she came to the phone. "Is this my sister?" I said, "Yes, is this mine?"
She says in a flat with a bit of coldness, "I have been waiting patiently for your call. It has been a week you know?"
I responded that I have been busy, with my d going away and that I don't call when things are hectic. I was giving her an excuse like a child would to her mother.
I can't explain the ice coldness that encompassed my body. She is not human. She is like a spider waiting, patiently to kill her victim.
ME!She then said, "Mike (her adult son) wondered why we haven't talked. He asked if we got in a fight. She told him know I'm waiting for her to call me. Again in a flat, cold voice.
She then continued to talk for a half hour, the whole time I was revisiting the last few days, my feeling, my sadness etc.
For what I thought as she continued to talk about nothing but herself.
I felt release
Like a balloon deflating.
I felt peace because I could see how sick she really was. Realizing deep, deep down that she in incapable of a speck of love or kindness for me.
I believed deep down in her heart, she loved me. That was a falsehood I kept, a reason to keep taking her sick treatment.
I finally said, "It's getting late I will let you go." She said, "WHO CARES." meaning the time, and then said,
In a tone, like I was a bad child because I didn't call her. Then she reminded me, as if I didn't know, "I NEVER CALLED YOU ALL WEEK YOU KNOW."
Just in-case I thought maybe I missed her call. She wanted me to know she did not call. Again in a cold flat voice. Very proud of herself for not caving and calling me, I didn't need you I almost sensed with a grin.
Even though my goal was not to call her. Calling her was very real for me. I was able to receive the cold, calculating person she is, so very clearly.
I felt sad no more.
She is empty and sick.
For her to practically admit she was playing a game with me, made her power over me fade even more.
I can't express how much I saw through her every word, cutting like a sword, reflecting off of me, more easily than I thought possible.
I felt euphoric to finally accept and know the truth, she does not have and ounce of love or respect for me as a human being.
The weights are off my shoulders. I can leave her now, her dark cloud has dissipated and the sun is shining through.