Author Topic: anniversary soon--Do not look if you get queasy about a damaged car  (Read 2612 times)


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June 7, 1969....brand new Chevrolet

This is my seat, the passenger side. There were no seat belt laws then
so I was without one and was thrown on the floor, otherwise my head would have been in my tummy! It rolled 3 x and landed on the passenger side each time.

This is the first I have seen this picture. It is unreal, and I also recognize my eldest sister there. (I recognized her when I realized her sunglasses were on her head.) I had NO idea about that. The yellow is paint from in his truck ........taken by husband of my friend and my daughter's caregiver. He ran right down to the place where it would be towed (ghoulish) and I saw one picture from the driver's side where I was lifted out and blood on the rocker panels.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 06:09:09 PM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Oh Izzy-

The car looks as if it had been demolished by a wrecking yard...Such a terrible photo, but I am happy that you are still with us- it looks like no one could emerge from the wreckage.

I had a professor who said that seat belts were actually designed for the safety of  big , fat  men , and that small women can suffer great injuries from using them- there is a website where one can affirmatively opt out of seatbelts. He said that the seatbelt laws were implemented for the benefit of the insurance industry and auto manufacturers to protect against class action torts , etc, where counsel will propose what should have been done to prevent great harm, etc  How odd and how different from what we have all been told!!

You are a toughie, Izzy. I have gone back to the place where I had my accident, and everyone had been so nice to me there, at the time and upon myreturn, that it was not so bad, and interesting to see how high the roof was, etc.

Wow, you have photos of everything- like a historian or a reporter- Awesome!!!

Love You,



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Yes. quite the mess.

I asked C. for it, as I wondered about my reaction, now that I live as a disabled person (what a difference!) no bad horrors after all this time!
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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You are awesome.


Gaining Strength

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Wow Izzy!  What a horrific sight.  39 nines years ago.  It is so shocking to see.  It is so amazing that you are here to tell about it and to show the photograph.   Is it really not an emotional reaction for you?  That is amazing.


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Yes SS

No emotional reaction, likely because "I saw one picture from the driver's side where I was lifted out and blood on the rocker panels." and that pic has been in my head all these years! So this is just another view and proof that wearing a seatbelt would have killed me!

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Hi Izzy-

Airbags are another item that have become standard by dint of the insurance industry and car manufacturers-  also for fat large men who don't use their setbelts, and can be hazardous to small women!!! i think the hazard is major abdominal or chest trauma, or decapitation- don't remember which!!!

I wonder how car safety will be improved when gas, etc becomes more scarce and new energy sources are harnessed for transportation?

Poor Thing- to see your blood like that- no wonder it was seared in your memory. Hopefully that picture has ben replaced with an image of how fabulous you look!

Your Buddy,

Chang (ing, es, etc etc)


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Ohh Izz.

I am amazed at what beauty you've made out of wreckage.
Your life is beautiful.
Your spirit is beautiful.
Your wisdom is beautiful.
Your courage is beautiful.

That car is butt-ugly.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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*Faints*  OMG,

I am so happy that you are here with us.  You have made a very long lasting impression on me. Your good Peeps, Iz,o. 



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Re: anniversary soon--Do not look if you get queasy about a damaged car
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2008, 12:04:40 AM »
Oh Izzy..... what a scary thing.

I'm sorry you were so alone through your life.

And sabotaged.


Made to feel confusion about it.

You've come a long way.... to feeling secure in your own skin.

Appreciating the serenity you do have in your life.

Making peace with your daughter.... after all the years under the bridge.

It's been an honor to witness some of your journey and learn from it.

((((Izzy)))  The journey's not over yet: )



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Re: anniversary soon--Do not look if you get queasy about a damaged car
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2008, 07:38:57 AM »

Thank you for sharing your photograph, Izzy

Serenity, yes, indeed.

Truly glad that you have a renewed relationship with your daughter.

God Bless you, who obviously loves you very much.

Love, Leah
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: anniversary soon--Do not look if you get queasy about a damaged car
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2008, 11:18:13 AM »
Wow Iz:  My parents had a car like that back when I was young.  We never had seat belts.  In fact, as young kids we would stand on the front seat next to my mom when she drove.  If she stopped suddenly her arm was the "seatbelt!"

Well, it might have taken the oomph out of your legs but not the ta-da out of your spirit!!

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Re: anniversary soon--Do not look if you get queasy about a damaged car
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2008, 09:57:14 PM »
Unbelievable that you came through and as well as you did, Iz. I guess there was a plan for you and a darned good reason for you to remain here with us :) What a sight. I just can't believe how crushed the car is. It must be odd for you to see the outside, after being so intimate with what went on inside.
Love, Beth
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Re: anniversary soon--Do not look if you get queasy about a damaged car
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2008, 04:01:59 PM »
hi all who dared to look,

The wreckage is unbelievable since he survived without a scratch and I was lifted out the driver's door, broken and bleeding.

His was the worst case of road rage that I have ever witnessed/been a part of and the worst reaction I have ever had to saying "No".
He just tromped on the gas and never said another word. 120 mph at times and my asking him to slow down meant nothing. Roared past 6 cars, who clocked him, as my eyes were shut, until the car dropped off the pavement. I opened my eyes with the jerk I felt and saw the speedometer at 90 then and suddenly was saying "Gosh, Izzy, you are being in one hell of a car crash". Saying that was about how long it took to overcorrect the steering twice, roll 3x and cover 975 feet to land on its wheels.

I remember everything as I didn't lose consciousness, and having this picture solidifies the worst trauma. I am disabled and will live this way, not trying things I used to do when I was younger. Being more able in Rehab than most and assisting them when nurses wouldn't. Then riding escalators  up and down and other 'games' rather puts me in the position of making a game out of using a wheelchair and that disability wasn't so true/that bad/ whatever. Even broken bones with no I have the worst to deal with (a crooked healing makes it more real)

It has finally sunk in, with age!

Love to all
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: anniversary soon--Do not look if you get queasy about a damaged car
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2008, 08:44:22 PM »
Every time I try to write about how you must still be coming to terms with the reality and loss you've suffered..... I get it wrong.


no... ::shaking head::

Terribly unfair things happen to good people all the time but.....

that the driver threw a selfish baby fit, over not getting laid, then walked away unscathed, physically and financially.... pretty much comes out near the top of the unfair list, Izzy.
