Here is a decipherng program for people who don't speak N-ese. See if you can interpret the following message:
Person A - Here is a picture from when I was at graduation.
(Picture has Person A in a pretty dress that is not quite flattering)
Me - The color of that dress is very pretty. (Mention something nice, without being falsely flattering).
N- And don't you dare say she looks fat in it.
Me - I had no intention of saying that.
N (pulls me aside) - You need to stop taking everything so personally.
N-ese translation - Person A looks fat in that dress, but I don't want to say it, so I will pretend you said it. Since you won't say it, I will embarrass you in front of everyone by saying that you are rude to me.
N - Your sister looks different with the pregnancy. Not fat, just different somehow.
N-ese translation - She looks heavier, but I don't want to say it, but I want you to know it.
N-ese means taking the oppostie of what is said and assuming it is the true sentence that was intended. It is kind of like an evil Pig Latin

Love you all,