Love to you Ami,
Leah's Victim thread is resonating within me more and more today. I had not read any of it until early this morning and I have a very busy day with just a few more minutes to get on line but with each and every activity of the day I am so shocked to find myself feeling stronger and stronger by acknowledging myself as a victim.
I understand what the dynamic is. I have worked very, very hard on using positive thinking and expecting favor and they have been tremendously helpful. But at the same time I must also plunge down into the depths of my wounding and pull up out of the unconscious and the subconscious the deepest pain which was at one time literally life threatening. I cannot "positive think" my way out of it until I have processed it and understood how traumatically I was victimized. Once I go into the inexorable pain of that, then and only then can I begin to use positive thinking about healing from that by believing and calling into being the healing from that indescribable hestruction at the hands of those who gave me life.
It is a two prong process, much like a stair master. Left, Right, Left, Right. But I'm not going anywhere. So it seems. True I am still in the same place but I am stronger and something other than "getting somewhere" is going on. Left, Right, Left, Right, Open the memories of pain, process and believe the healing, Open the memories of pain, Process and believe the healing. Still the same place but stronger and stronger and better and better, and more functional, and more functional, and more healing and on and on.
Thanks to you, James, Leah, Cat's Paw, Hops, Phoenix Rising, Lupita, Overcomer, Teartracks, Tatyana, Bean, Bones, Gabben, Juno, Mudpuppy, spyralle, iphi, Axa, Debkor, Ann3 Seasons, Gratitude, Certain Hope, Moonlight, BElla, Darren, Dream Singer (there are more and but my brain is fogged.)