Been sitting here trying to think of what sort of snobbery I still have left to root out, when it came to me -
As much as I appreciate you as a person, there are times when my own inner snob tries to tell me that it's not worth my effort to figure out what you're looking for in some of your posts.
Oh, how wrong I have been.
Remember eons ago, when I griped about your editing?
That was snobbery.
Wow, I have just royally snobbed out on you, come to think of it... and it wasn't even "personal"!!
Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way, but isn't there a strong connection between snobbery and preconceived notions/prejudices?
What and whom does my inner snob like to talk about?
Why - me, myself, and I, of course!!
Great thread, tt... I think I have the hiccups now!