Dear Ann
I see another of my lessons. I feel very depressed when behavior is "crazy" around me and *I* am told it is NOT happening. I feel very depressed right now, sadness pouring on me b/c up is down and down is up, JUST like with my M.I KNEW what was right, good, beautiful, valuable, but my world told me that what was UGLY and tawdry was beautiful. NOOO, I see why Bill stood up for me. He loved me and could not see me hurt. I love Ann and could not see her hurt. Life has meaning if I can SEE wrong, evil , the dark side. That is what she stole, the ability to see EVIL. I can see it ,now. There IS a right and wrong. My M screamed ,'There IS no right or wrong",but there is.Yes, there is. *I* can see evil and still stand. That is what I could not do, as a child.