What you've said about feeling like you just made some stupid choices...
well, that's how I've felt about it.
It wasn't till my ex-husband dragged me through court, trying to punish me for his own offenses, that I felt victimized.
Mostly, I've always felt that I was a victim of my own co-dependent drives, which made me a glowing target for NPD and other abusers.
It's not his fault that I was so desperate for love, to be needed, to merge with another human being...
and it's not my fault that I learned to be codependent...
and I don't feel a bit re-victimized by taking that attitude.
What I felt llike was a target, plain and simple.
Choosing to unlearn bad old habits and to stop seeking fulfilment from other people is the best way to erase that bulls-eye from my back, I believe.
I hope that you will forgive yourself for the choices you made. You are SO not alone in that... so please don't victimize yourself, after all.