Just wondering if anyone has ever beaten their N mother?
I fought back once when i was a teenager after so many years of unreasonable physical and emotional abuse. It felt good to fight back in self defense and retaliation. I am otherwise never a violent person, and very calm and peace-loving in fact.
its a big taboo to beat your mother, and i have kept silence about this for over 20 years now. but, i have realized that it was natural to defend myself because, unlike my family, i do care and love myself. YAY!!
so i will no longer feel bad about beating my mother when she tried to beat me first. And, yes, that was the last time, she ever laid a hand on me, as i continued to grow and tower over her.
Fortunately, i am now much older and able to care less about her and walk away calmly, even laughing at her absurdity and thinking how disillusioned she is that she thinks she can still pull manipulations on me.

ha! it doesn't work on me anymore. they are nothing but funny stories to share with my compassionate friends.
Its great to read all the posts here. it seems all the writing has been done for me to read and relate back to my own tragic upbringing. still have loads of work to do for recovery. Thanks everybody!!!