Author Topic: Beware the Troll - article to read  (Read 7470 times)


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Beware the Troll - article to read
« on: August 24, 2004, 10:20:29 AM »


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Beware the Troll - article to read
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2004, 12:19:53 PM »
Hi Phoenix,

Thanks for taking the time to post all this information.  It is wise not to invest too much of oneself into anything Internet, so this is a good reminder.  Much of this seems like common sense but there were a few things I hadn't considered.

Also, I would like to add that it takes as much discipline to ignore trolls as it does to perfect trolling skills.  Trolls do appear here once in a while and happily they go away if ignored.  I should hope we would be quicker to spot trollish behavior since we grew up with trolls.  :)

See ya, Seeker


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Beware the Troll - article to read
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2004, 08:04:24 PM »
Thanks Phoenix for this post


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Beware the Troll - article to read
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2004, 05:30:54 PM »
I've been away, sorry I missed your article Phoenix. Sounds like it would have made good reading.

For Mom
"...Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends"~~1st Corinthians 13


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Beware the Troll - article to read
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2004, 08:38:05 AM »
I had a good read and copied one of the links so I could read further. It's interesting stuff. Hope you don't mind me quoting the link for you.

I have noticed this sort of manipulation sometimes on other sites I visit and it's so sad to see the disintegration of friendships it can cause.


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Beware the Troll - article to read
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2004, 04:11:05 PM »

Discounted Girl

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Beware the Troll - article to read
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2004, 08:53:24 PM »
imagine that ..... cyber trolls. It's sort of funny. I had thought about it before but had not put the troll word connection to it. I still thought a troll was a little demon living under mushrooms or crawling out of the toilet.

If I may be so bold, I think Phoenix was talking about some subtle stuff she thinks has been going on here, perhaps a troll with a PhD? Way more clever than the "hey, me & pappy g'wan mosey down the road."  No matter, it's all cyber, none of us are next door or on the phone -- the fun stops when we don't let their jollies cause us harm. I have thought about this before (in the early chatroom days) when men would pretend to be women and lies about ages (I am sure it is still going on) -- who is to say who is who and what. I have felt it was/is/would be embarrassing to respond with your heart to someone only to find out that person might be snickering somewhere in a dirty room with greasy hair and picking their nose. (Ain't I graphic?) But, so what -- when you respond or make a post, it is coming from you and unless you have intentions of bringing some of us into your living room, the weirdos getting their rocks off cannot really hurt us. Unless they show up uninvited, then the tables might turn. It's just that it feels rather unclean somehow. Like I said before, after dealing with the NQueenmother a cyber boogieman is a cakewalk and there is so much left to do in this life and not enough time to complete it all.


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Beware the Troll - article to read
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2004, 09:20:01 PM »
Quote from: Discounted Girl
Like I said before, after dealing with the NQueenmother a cyber boogieman is a cakewalk and there is so much left to do in this life and not enough time to complete it all.

Ditto to that, I say. One's own flesh and blood mother as the   :twisted:  troll in your life is really hard for someone to upstage.


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Beware the Troll - article to read
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2004, 08:27:33 PM »


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Beware the Troll - article to read
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2004, 06:53:35 AM »
bump again


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Beware the Troll - article to read
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2004, 10:48:33 AM »
after dealing with the NQueenmother a cyber boogieman is a cakewalk

I love that phrase, DG!  And Moonflower, you made such a great post.  There's a lot of good sense and positivity there.

I just wonder if this IS supposed to be a Sanctuary.  Is it?

Do we find a way of surviving emotionally if 'all' we've got is a Sanctuary?

A Sanctuary doesn't help us deal with these troll types in our real lives, does it?

'Ignoring' them might get us out from under, but how many other situations and people replicating the original pain will it take until we have nothing left and nowhere left to go in our lives where there isn't a troll out to destroy us - unless we just stay under the bedclothes, in safe situations, not spreading our wings for fear of being gunned down, not being free to be ourselves in all our many hues because we don't have the freedom of knowing we will always be safe and strong IN SPITE OF the trolls.  

If we try to pretend that this is or should be a sanctuary, then aren't we just hiding under the bedclothes?  

I'm prepared to be a seagull (if you've read those posts!); I'm not prepared to be an ostrich.


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Beware the Troll - article to read
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2004, 11:15:14 AM »
Hi Firebird,
I am a member - not disclosing my name at the moment.

So do you propose we all start speaking our minds as we read posts that enrage us? This will become a free for all. As I have read the trash that's been posted lately, I've had many thoughts and want so badly to respond but I am a mature person and I've learned when to speak out and when to keep quiet.

The behavior that seperates adults from children and immature adults is the the ability to keep it shut when it is not in anyone's best interest to enrage others.

This board is public so when a poster takes bullyish jabs at individuals, they are exposing everyone to their bullying, whether they want to admit it or not.

Those of us watching from the sidelines feel like we are out on the playground watching a fight and the teacher will not break it up. Those fighting are destroying our recess, and we are powerless against them. We are adults and should not be acting like this. This board is a good place to learn appropriate responses.

We can all start behaving as some of these threads look and we will be able to blow off steam and practice our non cyber responses to Ns in our lives but I think this will only do more damage.

Victims, survivors, what ever one wants to call themself, have already suffered so much pain from behavior like is demonstrated here that most will tend to back off for fear of being hurt. We are learning to create boundaries and use them appropriately, but opening this board up to allow the behavior that has gone on for the past few days is damaging to the integrety of the board and to those of us trying to learn "New" behaviors.

I do not think this should be a sanctuary, but I think boundaries should be respected. If someone posts something and gets blasted for it they should be able to argue their case. But the posts that are hurtful just for the sake of being hurtful are damaging and should not be allowed. It is easy to pick those out from the rest.

We all know that some people are posting responses that they would never say to one's face. Please stop bullying.

If a poster asks a responder to back off, that should be respected.

I guess what I am trying to say is use the golden rule - do unto others...

and be respectful. If a poster can't abide by those rules - then get the heck out of here - you are not welcome! I am not refering to you, Firebird, when I say get out. I am referring to anyone who does not want to be respectful.

See, the reason I wrote that last sentence is because I am so trained to be taken the wrong way. I know there are those reading this that will want to jump on that sentence because they refuse to take the entire paragraph into context. They will pick out what they want to use in an argument and ignore the rest. I beg anyone thinking this way to not do it. It isn't productive or entertaining.


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Beware the Troll - article to read
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2004, 04:11:22 PM »
I agree with you guest, wholeheartedly.

I also have to admit that I enjoyed the feeling of sanctuary that used to exist on this board.  People were spoken to in kind respectful ways.  

It feels like some (one, two?) people are just spoiling for a fight, just wanting to provoke.  There are plenty of boards where you can let it all out and get a really good fight back.  

I think it's time for the administrators to step in.



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Beware the Troll - article to read
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2004, 04:54:22 PM »


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Beware the Troll - article to read
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2004, 05:56:32 PM »
Is there a distinction between defending ones self from being sandbagged, and being seen as a bully when they are standing up for themself?   Or does one just leave quietly to not upset everyone else- letting the other party get away with it, drive me out? I guess it is easy to think how one should act if you aren’t in my place.

If a child is being pounded in the bushes by the school bully, should that child cry out and fight back, or should that child just take it  so as not to disturb everyone else’s recess?

I worked at a restaurant where the bosses refused to handle conflicts amongst the employees- they wanted us to work it out ourselves. We had a bus boy that thought himself a little Romeo- and whatever waitress he had a crush on the moment was subjected to his romantic gestures. You hand him a dish and along with taking the dish, he’d make sure to fondle your hand.   Yuck. We waitresses constantly talked to our boss about it, but to no avail. After one particular long night, my arms loaded with dirty dishes, heading for the dishwasher, the little busboy playfully bumped me, throwing me off balance, and I almost fell to the floor. I shrieked in out rage. I was tired, and so sick of this ongoing harassment, and now at the end of the night, I’d had enough. I let him have it in the back room. The next day my boss voiced –to my co-workers, but not me - how shocked she was at my outburst. She couldn’t believe I would yell. Never, ever have I lost my cool on the floor, and if anyone’s done this work, they know that is self discipline.  It was ok for this busboy to continue his harassment to the point of my safety, but for me to take action on my behalf, that was distasteful.

So what is adult and what is childish? For me to not have spoken my mind, would have been for me to be in my child state. My adult said, “Go fight for yourself. Stick up for yourself.”

And I know that there are those here that unless they are in my shoes will never understand this.