Author Topic: The High Price of Peace at Any Cost  (Read 2820 times)

Certain Hope

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The High Price of Peace at Any Cost
« on: June 13, 2008, 08:29:15 AM »
... by Anna Valerious

I have made reference several times to what I call the Cult of Nice. When referring to the Cult of Nice I have commented on how this 'cult' labels it a 'sin' or 'wrong' to hurt someone's feelings. Both Christians and secular types who've swallowed pop psychology seem to often subscribe to this belief. This anti-logic provides a lovely escape hatch for malignant narcissists because you can be made into a 'sinner' for calling them on their garbage, or for simply stating truth. They wave the flag of their 'hurt' feelings and it is supposed that you will then cease and desist or risk being labeled a hateful, unkind person. You're accused of being mean...which is like a cuss word to the Cultists of Nice-land. The tables get turned so fast that the victim becomes abuser in a blink of an eye in this alternate universe of anti-logic.

Those who subscribe to this kind of thinking are not being rational in any way. Which is why I tend to see this as a religious/cult-like type of thinking. It is a faith-type belief in the supremacy of feelings over principles. The Cult of Nice is a false righteousness that attempts to dismiss or disparage real justice or right-doing through name-calling. It is a useful belief system which allows you to eliminate any opposition to your behaviors or attitudes by this pretense that others are responsible for your feelings. If you are confronted with an uncomfortable or unwelcome truth you can trump that truth with your 'hurt' feelings. Then the only 'truth' that matters is that you feel hurt, angry, upset, persecuted, etc. This is a custom made system by and for narcissists and other villains.

There is an adjunct to the "we must never ever hurt anyone's feelings" tenet of the Cult of Nice.

It is: "peace at all costs."

If I could be allowed to surmise, I think it is safe to say that nearly every family with a malignant narcissist has at least one family member who believes in the 'peace at all costs' maxim. This self-appointed 'peacemaker' has likely held most of the other family members in line for the family narcissist by forcing these other family members to 'go along to get along'. Because the family narcissist can make life very difficult when someone crosses their will, the family peacemaker will shame other family members by telling them they are responsible for not 'upsetting' Mommy Dearest, or whomever the narcissist is in that particular family. Because when 'momma ain't happy; ain't nobody happy' is reality for that family, the peacemaker emphasizes how everyone other than Momma is responsible for not rocking the family boat.

The urge to be a peacemaker is a survival mechanism when we are talking about children and hostages. I don't think there is any fault in those who learn how to read their abuser in order to avoid their rage. I am talking about a different person. A person who is an able-bodied, full-grown adult with the ability to walk away. When this able-bodied adult requires those who aren't free to walk away to bear the abuse and injustice in silence...that is when I get seriously pissed off. When the peacemaker makes excuses for the abuser's behavior, yet won't cut any slack to the victims...I am enraged. What is particularly disgusting is the phony righteousness that the peacemaker gets to wear. Too many do-gooders act like it is some badge of honor to placate the blood-sucking monster instead of locking the beast up and throwing away the key. I speak metaphorically.

I didn't always feel this way. No, for most of my life I've lived in the Cult of Nice through the misfortune of my birth into my twisted family. It took me a very long time to be able to see the insanity of the system and extricate myself. As I write this, the example that I am reflecting on is my own father. He is a living representation of the ultimate cost of peace at any cost.

Don't picture my father as a obsequious, weak man. He is nothing of the sort. He was a man of strength and forthrightness at one time...a long time ago. This was a man who would never stand by to watch some stranger get attacked and he not intervene. With fists if need be. This was not true, though, with his own children. He seems to have had no perspective where it concerned how his wife was...and how she treated his own children. He saved his pity for her. He made allowances for her bad behavior because he believed her childhood explained (and justified) her bad behavior as an adult. Because he made these allowances for the perpetrator, he was not able to see his way clear to protect his children from the beast. Because he pitied the perp, he ended up consigning helpless children to her abuses. He loved my mother above all else. His children were unwanted and annoying appendages to his idol, my mother. He tolerated us because he loved her. This also made it easy for him to demand of us better behavior than he expected from a full-grown woman, his wife. He only 'loved' us when we were invisible or when we performed as he expected us to.

My father today is a bitter, angry, cynical man. His mind gradually poisoned by Worm Tongue against his children and extended family. I have evidence in his own writing that he has surrendered his integrity in order to keep peace with the devil. His moral compass is so broken that he feels righteous and justified to demand of me, his grown daughter, that I too capitulate to the selfish demands of his infernal wife. He sees me as the problem because I will not bend over and grab the ankles in order to 'make peace' he has.

Yes, indeed. The price for peace with a villain is very high indeed. It has cost my father much. He has lost every one of his extended family members. He has lost at least one daughter. All he has left is his evil wife. And, perhaps, the one daughter who greatly resembles his evil wife, my sister. Was it really worth defending the indefensible all these years? I highly doubt it. I have seen clear indications that much of the time he can't stand to be around my mother. They live separate lives. He speaks impatiently and angrily with her much of the time. There are times when he is tender and indulgent with my mother. These are rare times when she has managed to use enough of her feminine charms to soften him. He is not a happy man. He has paid out too much of his soul, though, to cash in his chips. He will stay with her to the bitter, ugly end.

Count carefully the ultimate cost of 'peace at any and all costs'. It is very steep. In the end, all you will be left with is the cold comfort of your pretended integrity and righteousness minus your soul.


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Re: The High Price of Peace at Any Cost
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2008, 08:50:39 AM »
Thank you for your passion. And your wisdom.
This sounds as though it comes from a very deep strength, and a deep anger at the waste of a life.

You are breathing like a person who was drowning and just broke the surface...great draughts of air.

Thank you for inspiration and energy and the way you always share yourself with the power of honesty. You have been an inspiration and a comfort to me.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Certain Hope

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Re: The High Price of Peace at Any Cost
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2008, 08:54:24 AM »
(((((((((((Hops)))))))))) thanks for seeing me...  and especially for being willing to see through my eyes, just enough.

I couldn't wait any longer for the tide to turn.

You've been a wonderful teacher and I love you completely.



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Re: The High Price of Peace at Any Cost
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2008, 01:23:21 PM »
Carolyn... I re posted this on another thread.... I couldn't find it when I was looking for it.

If you want me to remove it... I will.

Thank you for sharing this with us.



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Re: The High Price of Peace at Any Cost
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2008, 01:46:22 PM »
 He has lost every one of his extended family members. He has lost at least one daughter. All he has left is his evil wife. And, perhaps, the one daughter who greatly resembles his evil wife, my sister. Was it really worth defending the indefensible all these years?


I am amazed that this story sounds like the outcome of the plot to King Lear.   Life reflects art/art reflects life.  The father as King Lear, the daughters as Cordelia (the only true hearted daughter who dies as a result of the father's actions), Regan, et al (the evil sisters who survive and rip off the father).  Shakespeare was amazing. 

The other thing that comes to mind is pre WWII Europe:  In 1938, British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain basically allowed Hitler to invade Czechoslovakia, hoping that this would quench Hitler's desire to invade all of Europe.  Of course, it didn't work, just made Hitler feel more powerful and enabled him to invade all of Europe.

Peace at any cost never works and the price is always too high. I suppose that Peace at any cost is the coward's easy way out.

Very thought provoking.  Thanks,


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Re: The High Price of Peace at Any Cost
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2008, 02:12:31 PM »
The Cult of Nice is a false righteousness that attempts to dismiss or disparage real justice or right-doing through name-calling. It is a useful belief system which allows you to eliminate any opposition to your behaviors or attitudes by this pretense that others are responsible for your feelings. If you are confronted with an uncomfortable or unwelcome truth you can trump that truth with your 'hurt' feelings. Then the only 'truth' that matters is that you feel hurt, angry, upset, persecuted, etc. This is a custom made system by and for narcissists and other villains.

Carolyn - this is a brilliant piece of wisdom, simply and clearly explained. I'm sorry for what it cost you, to gain this.
Thank you.
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Re: The High Price of Peace at Any Cost
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2008, 02:15:26 PM »
The Cult of Nice is a false righteousness that attempts to dismiss or disparage real justice or right-doing through name-calling. It is a useful belief system which allows you to eliminate any opposition to your behaviors or attitudes by this pretense that others are responsible for your feelings. If you are confronted with an uncomfortable or unwelcome truth you can trump that truth with your 'hurt' feelings. Then the only 'truth' that matters is that you feel hurt, angry, upset, persecuted, etc. This is a custom made system by and for narcissists and other villains.

Carolyn - this is a brilliant piece of wisdom, simply and clearly explained. I'm sorry for what it cost you, to gain this.
Thank you.

Beared repeating.



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Re: The High Price of Peace at Any Cost
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2008, 02:38:15 PM »
Hi Hope-

Your observations regarding peace at any price have been proven true on the individual up to the international level. Political scientists who specialize in conflict resolution (ie the extremely respected Swedish Foundations) have identified the process of "peace at any price" as Letting It Burn Itself Out- a particularly horrific situation. The Rwandan crisis was allowed to "let it burn itself out"- the slaughter of so many innocents was known to potential intervening great powers and their decision-makers, who used bureacracy and smoke screens to build up a protective pretense of"not knowing." Now, the truth has been revealed, as there is proof that Presidents and Prime Ministers, Congresses and Parliaments, were more than made aware and chose to do nothing.
It is one thing to live in a spirit and ethic of goodwill and live and let live- it is another to permit the savaging of one's self or of others in order to remain in comfort and avoid risk. Thank you Hope.

In Love and Respect,



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Re: The High Price of Peace at Any Cost
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2008, 03:01:12 PM »

you cut right to my heart with your post.

I can't even speak of the emotions you brought up.... universally and personally, in my situation.



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Re: The High Price of Peace at Any Cost
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2008, 03:25:16 PM »

Thank you for your post. You have been there for me since my first post, and I can truly say that I may not have survived without your unselfish help.

Bless You,



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Re: The High Price of Peace at Any Cost
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2008, 03:37:59 PM »

This anti-logic provides a lovely escape hatch for malignant narcissists because you can be made into a 'sinner' for calling them on their garbage, or for simply stating truth. They wave the flag of their 'hurt' feelings and it is supposed that you will then cease and desist or risk being labeled a hateful, unkind person.

Dear Carolyn,

Thank you for this thread. This about sums up all of the conflict I have recently gone through here on this board.

Today is a busy day at the office. I have not had much time to respond to many here, but I have popped in to read recently...slowing working my way through others words, feelings and thoughts, I have been thinking that if I want to escape feeling invalidated then I must work to validate others, we reap what we sow.

I've still got a long way to go before I will be able to call myself a sower of peace...but, that does not mean I cannot experience peace in my heart, which, I might say today I am peaceful, or, that I will at all times be a sower of peace rather than confusion.

One thing that gives me peace is being able to express myself and have a voice regardless of the outcome - at least I have said my peace...which gives me peace.

Anyway...I am grateful for your voice here, you voice teaches me gentleness.


Certain Hope

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Re: The High Price of Peace at Any Cost
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2008, 03:50:43 PM »
Carolyn... I re posted this on another thread.... I couldn't find it when I was looking for it.

If you want me to remove it... I will.

Thank you for sharing this with us.


Oh, no, Lighter... that's fine!
 I saw it... and that's what made me realize... I should have posted it here initially, along with the What Helps section, for reference.

Many thanks to all who've commented, too! This piece echoed so forcefully within me when I first read it, that I had to share it here.
Combined with a fear of speaking up and a terror of conflict, this whole "cult of nice" business has held me back for a lifetime from breaking out of the shell. No more.

 And just to be clear again... I didn't write the piece. It's from a blog written by Anna Valerious, someone I'm coming to greatly admire and with whom I can surely identify.
I hope you'll explore her blog at 
   (quite the name, eh?)



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Re: The High Price of Peace at Any Cost
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2008, 03:54:23 PM »
Hi Hope-

Love It!!!!


Certain Hope

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Re: The High Price of Peace at Any Cost
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2008, 04:01:42 PM »
((((Changing)))) Just so you know, I am still staggered about your other post here.

The only options I ever knew were to
control the snot out of it
let it burn itself out.

Having tried both routes, what a blessing to discover the liberty in just saying No... to all that would try to encroach on or imprison the truth.

Thank  you!


Certain Hope

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Re: The High Price of Peace at Any Cost
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2008, 04:09:51 PM »
Oh... I have to say Wow again. 

Just read today's entry on Anna's blog. It's long (and it's just part 1, to which she plans to add later), but some of you may find it worth reading.

Title is -  Denied a Defense.