I write this post with all due respect to you.
I think that if you want to learn something from the recent strife, you have over looked a contributing factor, which is: Some (not all, but some) of your posts sound sarcastic, snarky, nasty, with baiting others and egging them on. IMO, when you post as I just described, you create strife & negativity on the board. Since you raise the question of ‘lessons learned from recent board strife’, I feel you should be aware of {what I believe to be} your contribution to the strife.
IMO, once someone creates strife & negativity in a post, there is a likelihood that the strife & negativity will permeate the thread and this may cause someone to start another thread, which defends or attacks the strife & negativity in the original thread. As occurred recently, additional threads may then be spawned dealing with the previously spawned threads. For me, it becomes a web of threads spawned by the original negative post. I, too, have posted negatively in reaction to what I perceived were negative posts. Then, my post, in turn, elicited further negativity. I no longer want to engage in that dance, whether here or in the 3D world and I suppose the key is to ignore those who push buttons & trigger.
On the other hand, I have read posts of yours in which you sound loving, caring, supportive, constructive and funny. You definitively have a sense of humor.
You recently wrote of the intense strife you were (or are) experiencing at home and I am so sorry hear that you and your little ones were (or are) living under such circumstances.
I’m sticking my neck out in saying all of this but, I hope that one lesson you might learn is that when posting, accentuate your loving, caring and supportive side and reduce your negativity.