Oh dear, someones not very happy
Before you toddle off Phoenix and throw your rattle even further out of the pram, think hard on this: We're all at different points in a recovery from an event(s) that stressed and tested us to our limits and for some, beyond! It doesn't really matter who on a site like this plays 'Victim, Rescuer or Persecuter roles. We all at some stage interchange and swop roles as we begin to repair outselves!
Our end goal should be to be free of the tread mill of living either one them. Not to be a Victim anymore because we won't allow ourselves to become on! Not to rush in where Angels fear to tread as a Rescuer! And not to Persecute the hell of people for their views and opinions. Come the day, we won't find ourselves having to force our wills upon others because of the damage inflicted upon us in our past lives
Years later, I'm much much stronger and can even laugh about most of my experience. In time Pheonix, we all let go of our pasts and start living our futures
It doesn't matter who's right or wrong or who thinks they know or even actually know

. It doesn't matter Pheonix

. Nine tenths of the time, I talk total shit.....and with a raging passion! How ridiculous is that? I wasn't a whole person and in not being so, I ran headlong into the quick sand of a Narcissist! I couldn't wantenly bury myself fast enough if I tried! In the aftermath of it all, I realised that there was something wrong with me too!
Well all meet smart asses in our lives....and yes they're are probably a number on here.....maybe even I'm one! Sure there are a number of NPDers on here who are playing the Victim role having been spurned by a wiser soul than us. But isn't that the fun part; being able to spot and play with them!! It kind of keeps our senses alert to what we might meet in our real lives and not cyber space
I've come to this site and said my peace. Some have replied, more have read and I'm happier for having articulated my thoughts, even if they're way wrong! Stick around and play your thoughts out somemore Phoenix! Remember, you don't have to be right, none of us do

This is Cyber space, a place for you to simulate your thoughts. A place for you to see if they work and if they don't, ditch them before putting them into practice in your real life.
On here, we've all been damaged goods at some stage in our lives. Why deny us the ability to see you get better? Stick around Phoenix, we all have bad days honey