It was on Bill's troll thread which Dr G erased ,but ,believe me, those references were there.
Ami, I remember very well what I wrote in that post--I was completely amazed at what Bill had posted. I'm sorry it was erased because that means the memory you have created of my comments is what will remain in your head. That's what is sad about such things as erasing, changing posts, going NC, etc.
Bill referred to the "reality" of the situation and I commented to him that he was in the midst of a relationship with a married woman. I said that being in that situation meant that he was not a good arbiter of reality--that he was not living in reality at the moment. That he would in the future but that he wasnt at this moment.
Trust me, Ami. I have walked in your shoes.
Here's your version of my actions:
If s/one wanted to go through your recent posts to ME, there would be many references to me being a "fallen" women etc.
There have been no recent posts to you, Ami.
There are no "many references".
I have never used the term "fallen woman"--not about you, not about anyone else. I simply do not use those terms.
More than that, I have never even thought of you in those terms. Ever.
Ami, you are projecting. Your thinking is skewed. You are reading a post to Bill about his relationship to reality and you are seeing things that I did not say, did not mean to say, never even thought.
I think you have done a lot of that lately. I think you are stuck in a cycle of thinking that is pulling you down and making you miserable. I don't know why you are stuck here, I don't know if you can pull yourself out. I know that you are lashing out at everyone who is trying to speak straight with you and you are gathering around you the people that will tell you what you want to hear. I want you to know that I am making absolutely no moral judgment at all about what you are caught up in. But that doesnt mean everything is okay. Everything isn't.
I'm not going to apologize, Ami, for something that you have imagined that I said. But I will give you the last word. I don't want the last word, I don't need it. It's yours.