Author Topic: Do you have to love yourself well before you can love someone else well?  (Read 3141 times)


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Dear Dandy,
 THAT was very profound. Thank you.                         Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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One of the things that Debra Mandel PhD mentions in her book about loving one self is to spend at least 15 min or more tu nurture your self. How do you nurture your self? Spoiling your self. How do you spoil your self? sepnding at least 15 min a day opr more duoign something that makes you feel nurtured, doing something you feel you were most deprived. Activities tha feel your emotional holes, giving your self the kind of things that you think you were most deprived.

In my case I love the ocean and I moved to the beach. Now I do not have to imagine the beach to meditate I have it in front of my eyes.

Some people like massage, others like manicure, shopping, etc.

My two cents.

God bless you all.


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Another things that she mentions to love your self is to get a hobby and have fun with it, I have fun with walking clubs and love to exercise in groups. So I will try to do that. Also walking on the beach.