Actually, we didn't analyze that much in session - or diagnose. Just worked to get me & Twiggy working together... and getting into feeling and knowing my feelings.
it does sound like "splitting" - but the reality of being in that position is world's apart from all the clinical descriptions/explanations.
Once I'd discovered Twiggy - and all her memories, the repressed emotions - I became pretty self-sufficient, after that. I've been "working on myself" through a number of more spiritual traditions so I had tools to be able to move on to change, pretty quickly. By change - I don't mean at all - that I don't still have the same emotional reactions to certain situations... I sure DO! But my behavior isn't as completely, mysteriously controlled by those emotions, as before I "got Twiggy back".
Getting Twiggy back was the all-important key. And this whole smoking project is still just another level of not letting my behavior be dictated by my emotions - and not stuffing or dismissing my emotions, either.
Yesterday was a beautiful example: I had just decided it was time to relax by playing video games with hubby, when my "troubled" daughter called. She shined me on - gaslighted, essentially - about how wonderful her life is right now, even though her SO had messaged her sister looking for help in dealing with daughter 1's out of control drinking, abuse, and odd behavior. When the topic of drinking came up, I reminded her that she didn't like spending Christmas in jail last year (DUI)... and that only she could control herself and her behavior. I made an excuse to cut the call short... because I noticed she was having trouble with words: not hearing what I said & substituting her version... drinking?? maybe.
So, I was angry that she would lie so plainly to me - she even said that the desperate SOS message her SO sent wasn't reality... sigh. No one sends those kinds of pleading, upset, and frustrated messages - for NO REASON. Daughter 2 had forwarded it to me, so that I wouldn't be manipulated by Daughter 1, yet again. (and some day, I'll investigate this dynamic, too...)
I was just beginning to process some of this anger, when the phone rings again (hadn't gotten up to put the phone back yet). My mother. She has left me alone for about a month - and I've been enjoying the peace & quiet. At that point, I had to go smoke and I grabbed a beer on the way (only drank 1)... and had this very clear awareness of abusing myself to hide my anger (and the facts) about daughter 1 (which is too close to what daughter 1 did to me, for comfort)... and to be able to "uh-huh" my way through my mom's monologue & tirade about her life...
And afterwards... I couldn't believe how sad I was (still angry, tho too). Mom & daughter 1 are doing the exact same things - and here I am in the middle, abusing myself.... because I CARE about both of them (as irrational as this is)... I care so much, that I'm acting out Twiggy's magical belief that by making my wants/needs so UNIMPORTANT - that they would not be who they are, and I wouldn't have to be embarrassed, sad and angry about them anymore. Even had to ask hubby, if my connection with both of them made me a bad person........
This is the underlying emotional issue Twiggy has about smoking, you know. But over the weekend, I recognized that I am the one with time-related triggers for smoking; the habitual, timed-fix-inhaling, programmed one. Two problems; different kinds of solutions. One behavior.
Going to be very busy this week - dealing with these dual problems. I think they even feed each other, in odd ways. But at least I didn't feel that I was responsible for daughter 1's behavior any more! (She's 31, ya know???) Lots & lots of stuff to process out of those 2 phone calls and how I (and Twiggy) feel about them.
EDIT IN: ps - I think that Twiggy learned from her mom, that the only way to get HER needs met, was to meet other's needs at all costs... to "do something", in other words. And that emotional imperative has been the underlying motivator of my over-responsibility. And when, I'm faced with the impossibility of doing something useful and positive - it creates that unbearable emotional reality of total powerlessness... so Twiggy reaches for her "magic" again: if I hurt myself... God will see... and the situation will improve. It always worked with her mother, ya know? Talk about Pavlovian reinforcement... no wonder Twiggy is bawling - in my dreams this morning; just under the surface. Poor kid - at least I know my mothering is just what she needs... firm guidance out of that self-perpetuating abusive trap.