Thanks so much for the explanation. You and I are very much alike!
I had 2 sisters and was the middle. I and everyone who knew me blamed my being the 'black sheep' of the family on just that - being the middle child. So for years that's what I always said when someone would ask why I was not spending a holiday with my family or having family over for holidays. I said "oh I'm the middle child and just never did fit in".
But after years of becoming the real me and seeking a fulfilling life on my own - of course the disgrace from the family went along with this - 'you cannot think for yourself and have a life without us, you can't get along without us...".
But like you, I got into academics, sports, and learning to enjoy the things in life I loved, even though no one else supported me. I became a loner when it came to family, but had a wealth of friends and many activities I loved!
I became somewhat prosperous for a child that was brought up to be frugal and live like a pauper. I was single until 27 so I had a few wonderful vacations and just lived life up! This behavior was regarded by my family as extravegant, show off, coming across as better than them, etc.
My H has been very successful in his career and is a high level manager. I have a great job in IT and my family says we are too good for them. I realize now that this is all just cop-outs for them because they just don't want to admit they don't like me/us. But I've also realized I can't stand them either. I can't stand to be around them, hear their wining, see their disgusting anul behaviors and it's fine with me that we stay seperate.
For years I felt so much guilt for not being able to measure up to their expectations like my sisters did, and it did not make sense because I was the only one to graduate from college the first to purchase a new home, my own car, and vacation in exciting places. I was the only one to have male kids also. All of these things made the Nparents more angry. I was SO confused why I couldn't make them appreciate my life when all they could do was tell me how much a failure I am.
After learning about Ns I realized they were the ones they saw as a failure and were porjecting onto me. I don't really take it all personally but I do. Sometimes I am just so confused, but I've come to realize if I just stop thinking about them, and stop trying to figure it all out, it starts to make perfectly good sense.
I am so different from all of them ONLY because I allowed myself to think for myself, refuse to listen to them early in life, refuse to obey their stupid rules after I becamse an adult, and continued to seek a fulfilling life for me and my family. If my Nparents hate me for this, it is their problem. I am perfectly happy with mine.
Lately I've been able to relish my rebellious nature and actually have started nuturing it instead of supressing it, thus the posts about H and I getting into motorcycles and the Harley culture.
Truer words have never been spoken than your last paragraph:
Since learning of NPD as the culprit of many if not all of the things that went wrong with my childhood, i understand why someone like me, who looks so good and normal on the outside, for some strange reason, cannot seem to thrive. Now, i understand why. Now, i can start to recover.