Sometimes it's better for me to examine my intention before shooting off my mouth!
Well Bean, maybe it's not so much your intention (or mine or anyone's for that matter) that needs so much examining as.....
our expectations (what outcome we most desire)???
We (speaking for what I believe of most people on this board) for the most part.....have basically good intentions.
However, what we want to happen......may not necessarily happen. The outcome, even though our good intentions, might be quite different (and in my case 1/2 the time, unexpected or not anticipated because I'm just not really thinking about how the other person might interpret my words or I assume they are clear words, which they me).
That's another piece of the communication pie maybe?
1. Intention
2. Expected outcome
I dunno. I'm really trying to learn to communicate better I feel like I really have a lot to learn though and it's not for lack of trying.
You mentioned paranoia too up there.
WoooHHOOOoooooo baby paranoia! Anyone here
never experienced it?
I keep wondering if it isn't one of the most destructive results of being abused (and most common??). Trust is destroyed and fear replaces it.
((((((((((((Bean)))))))))) another hug.
Been there. Done that. It's so hard to get out of that mode sometimes. For me anyhow. For others too I expect.
Some days I've told myself that I can trust no one, that people are just into themselves and I'm better off relating to my dogs. I trust my dogs.
I don't want to believe that. I consider myself a mostly positive thinker and I know deep inside my negative thoughts do not help me but some days, I really think that and feel that way anyhow. Too many hurts? I'm in victim mode those times I guess. Rambling again.
Sorry I ran off track there.