Thanks for the responses, guy.
I think possibly an unfortunate tendency of some to ascribe to every slight, every ambiguous statement and every person whom they find less than agreeable the dreaded N is at the root of why the board is, as I put it on a different thread, "useless".
Not every personality quirk or personal conflict has narcissisim at its root and not every person with whom we do not get along should be tagged with the term.
It seems to me it is this (mis)perception and the knee jerk application of N to every unfortunate who pokes his/her head up over the weeds and says something we don't like which has created the current atmosphere, not actual Nism.
When somebody we don't like is just a jerk all we can say is they're a jerk and once we've said it nobody wants to hear it twice because it's just a personal conflict.
When somebody is an N however we're free to go on a crusade to dig them out root and branch as the pervasive evil that people have come here to escape and heal from.
Perhaps the discussion turned from our FOO pain and the pain we experienced by current N's in our life to the internal board itself when the board itself took on an N atmosphere, real or imagined?
A third possibility beyond the terms real or imagined might be "created". What I see is not so much an N atmosphere as an anti-N atmosphere, where the letter N or the subtle implication of the letter without its explicit use has become a kind of default mechanism by which to attack or defend.