I'm sorry, but you cannot come in late and rewrite history. If you want to know what happened, listen closely. If you don't, what are you doing here on this thread? I'm wondering.
I cannot rewrite history. I am only commenting on history. But you do bring up a good point. When a post is made, pms fly back and forth and posts are deleted,(
And in subsequent threads which were subsequently deleted.
), geez, I am only human. I can't begin to follow what the original point was at times.
Look, all I am saying is that I assumed the original intent of this board was to garner feedback from everyone and not create a clique of cohorts who support one's agenda which a fair amount of pms do. Ask me how I know. Ok, I assume you asked.
You, yourself once vilified me in public and then sent me a pm requesting my support in your position against another board member. I did, at that time, listen very closely. I responded in a thread called Please don't PM me. I'm not the brightest light on the tree, I get confused easily...and my solution is to not pm. Unless of course it is about a particularly attractive recipe for a chicken casserole.
Again, I think you should (and that is a collective "you") put it all out there for everyone. What do pms do for you?
To continue on. In answer to your question, I don't know what I am doing on this thread other than it is very hot here and I can't sleep. I'm worried about the price of oil and my neighbor who is in her eighties cannot afford to heat her house this coming winter. She won't consider moving ....her kids hate her ... and she is not pleasant but all my neighbors and I don't want to see her die in her house. She locks herself in refusing to answer any knocks on the door. She also thinks her kids love her. Now ....that is a real problem.
Yeah, you're right. I'll focus on my neighbor and let this pm business alone. Of course unless you're very interested and I would be entirely willing to restate my position. But it's just my position; it's not an attack. But maybe it sounds like an attack which I should remember when I am called on something via this board. If I get my back up immediately, I will have to count to ten and just absorb the comment and decide if I need to go into survival mode or a "reflective" mode...hmmmmmm I hope it's the latter......
Anyway, now that pms have been discussed ad nauseum......heating oil is going to be the coming if not current crisis. We can choose to drive or not but we have to maintain a certain level of warmth in our homes. More later.....