Some folk equate being honest....
with being rude.
I, for one, used to get flumoxed watching another poster rip her way through every newbie she didn't agree with.
No, not this board.
At some point, she was accused of being "a bigot."
I, who had battled with her mightily and steadily for years....
stood up and mounted her defense.... a shock to just about everyone on the board.
Lot's of WHA?!?! and HUH??!!!??
And it was a good defense....
bc it was true.
My response, as follows:
"Seattle isn't a bigot..... she's offensive."[/i]
And let me tell you.... that was her intention.
Would you lable her rude, a bully, an evil person?
I know I probably had some interesting ideas about that, myself.
Her style, and she knew well what that style was....
got people's attention and made her point.
I never saw one pussy foot word cross her screen.
As much as she frustrated me....
well beyond anything I've experienced here....
I learned that there was method to her madness.
She sent people to bed, mumbling to themselves .
They couldn't put her words down.... they kept turning them over in their minds.
Though they stomped off the board, kickin rocks and eatin baloney sammiches....
she was still in their heads....
She was an abused child herself and a tremendous, if not slightly unbalanced, advocate for children everywhere.
(who's parent's lacked basic child discipline tools, beyond smacking, popping, hitting, wholliping, whacking, thumping, cracking or otherwise bullying their children into submission, as opposed to chattering manically and otherwise working 10 times harder at parenting to gain their child's cooperation.)
Glad that's off my chest.
In other words.... just bc someone's honest....errrrrr.... rude.....
doesn't necessarily mean they have evil intentions.
ps... just bc someone's rude.... doesn't mean they're wrong either.