I feel that I have found my voice,on the board. *I* am happy with it.I feel that I can say my truth,have a little fun, generally defend myself, all the skills you need in 3D.
I am calling old friends,whom I disengaged from when I "gave up" on life.
I feel many, very uncomfortable feelings descend on me, as I re-engage in 3D.
I feel a great sense of helplessness, paralysis, inability to defend myself,inability to stand up.
I am trying to feel these feelings and not run from them.
They feel horrible. I think it is a replay of my life ,with my M, a stance where I could not fight back, whatever happened to me. I was stuck, standing there, taking ANYTHING that was dished out and I could not move ,in my own defense.
Has anyone been here or in a similar place? Ami