Author Topic: trying to find my voice  (Read 1561 times)

sea storm

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trying to find my voice
« on: June 20, 2008, 02:49:03 PM »
Dear friends,

I have been very quiet on this board for months. Mostly listening to what goes on. I need to express some of what has been happening to me.  I feel afraid  because I know that my ex sort of minotaurs or monitors this space. I don't really know. I guess I am just afraid. Recently, he came out of nowhere and threatened to get a lawyer and get back on the deed of the house becauseI was late in making VISA payments. I am pretty clueless about running my life in an orderly and accountant like way.  I thought if you pay VISA every month, then you are ok. I learned that if you don't pay by the exact day they record this as a late payment.  I have 31 late payments.  This has affected my ex's credit rating. He is furious. 

Months ago I had begged him to sign a paper to get off the joint line of credit.  He did nothing about it and now the rules for obtaining a line of credit are much tougher.  HE wants me to pay off the line of credit so he can get his name off it. I explained that I put a suite in the house to pay him off for his part of the house.  I ran out of money and used a line of credit. Now I can't get another nickel to pay him off.  He repeatedly sent emails threatening me that he would get back on the house deed.
I felt very frightened and it undermined me in so many ways. I felt about five years old.  It is like he can just swoop in and destroy whateve ground i have created for myself.  I KNOW that I was remiss in not know the VISA rules.

I asked him if it was ok if I made sure by having automatic withdrawl so there would never be another late payment if that would be ok. It was not ok.  Originally, if he had signed the paper the whole thing would have been avoided.  He thinks I can just sweet talk the banik manager and make her take his name off.  The bank did take his name off our joint account but that was before the rules changed.

This must sound terribly boring.  Since this happened i have been very depressed. I felt like I was dragging around a hundred pound weight on my shoulders. This probable pleases him no end.

I tried to get a second mortgage but I am maxed out on what I can borrow and even though there is a lot of equity in the house i cant get a mortgage because of the late payments to VISA.  I feel like giving up.  I broke down and took the money out of my Reg. Retired Savings.  The government takes about 20 percent for doing this.  So I will pay it out and get rid of the line of credit. At this point I dont have much to live on over the summer.  This could not have come at a worse time.  I talked to him on the phone and he told me he fell in love with the woman in  Alberta and she was a wonderful person blah blah blah.  He said that he supported her through a terrible tragedy. and they are great friends.  He reminded me that I am sick and mentally ill and the usual denigrating horror.  I did not get mad, but I did just hang up.

I really bonded with this guy and he is in my dreams and the house is a constant reminder of the dream of country living that we shared.  The worst part is that he comes out of nowhere and then torpedoes me somehow.  This time it was financially. Luckily, I have waded through to the other side. Now the suite is rented out. There was so much bad luck with putting the suite. I ended up having to replace the drainage tiles around the back of the house and also had to find and revamp the septic tank. Then a leak developed in the ceiling of the suite and three guys tried to fix it but noboday could and it was costing a bundle. Finally, someone fixed it.  This alll cost an extra ten thousand dollars.  What a nightmare. I dont have that kind of money.  I really don't like practical stuff and I was up to my eyeballs in it.

So now the suite is rented to a nice quiet guy.  The drain tiles are fixed. The septic tank is ticky poo.  And my ex is dealt with.

After writing all this maybe I should thank him for causing me such trouble.  He does it with such finesse. I wonder if he knows how much trouble he causes?

The good news is that I made it through the school year in a new job. I got a lot of feedback that I did a good job from kids, teachers and admin.  Believe me, I worked very hard.

I feel scared when he comes after me.  THey are like lightening strikes.  He really wishes me grief.  He relishes it.
For my part, I am learning to not take it personally. That is a huge gift.  I have always taken everything personally.  i wanted him to love me more than I have ever wanted anything and he can't and doesn't.  Gradually, I am beginning to see it is because he can't.
He says that I am a victim and have a victim mentality. That is supposed to be the arch insult. I think that is the arch insult for yuppy, capitalist, socially arrested, insensitive people who are frightened of looking around and seeing that anyone might need their help.  Huff Huff Huff.

I try to remember that to some people there are no victims because there was no crime.  They just don't see the crime. It makes my brain work way too hard and I cant really grasp it.  I think that is where the brain fog comes in. After chemo therapy some survivors have chemo brain, after a serious narcissist I think some survivors have brain fog.  Because the sense of someone you love trying to annialate me has left me in the fog. 

The fog comes and goes now. Mostly it is stll there.  It is very frightening sometimes, very numbing sometimes, blinding sometimes too.

I feel awkward writing this and think it sounds like shameful babbling.  Nevertheless, that is where I am at.

I know from past experience here that putting it out on the board invites all kinds of judgements, feedback and love.  I probably need the feedback because I want to grow, the judgements are tough but then the world is as sharp as a knife, and the love is worth so much.

If anyone can shed some light for me I would really appreciate it.  I know I am a blockhead sometimes financially. If someone can relate to this I want to hear what they have to say.

Sea storm

sea storm

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Re: trying to find my voice
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2008, 03:00:17 PM »
Awwwwwwww, that is so sweet, CB. Thanks.

So good to hear from you.

Sea storm

Certain Hope

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Re: trying to find my voice
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2008, 03:11:01 PM »
((((((Sea)))))) when you've got one who won't release his powerful sense of entitlement (I had one of those, too :P)... well, I think we just have to be aware that they're always looking for any loophole to return to the scene of their crimes and cause some more damage.
I'm so sorry he was able to do this to you.

Clearly, he knows your weak spots and he's well aware of how to swoop in and stir your shame-pot.

Now you can learn more about these areas (as you have about the Visa business- good going!) but that won't stop him from trying this pathetic routine again.

Please note - HE is the pathetic one.

You are awesome and diligent and responsible and caring and gentle and so much more.

I don't know whether or not he ever had a legal leg to stand on in the first place, with all of his threats and bluster, but you've gotten him out of the credit picture now, right?  His name will be off that credit line and he'll never be able to approach you about that again.

(((((((Sea)))))) I think the 20 percent loss is worth the peace of mind.. and I hope you're able to breathe alot more freely now and recuperate from his vicious attack at your own pace, knowing that you're fully capable of managing all your affairs - no shame!



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Re: trying to find my voice
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2008, 04:49:32 PM »
Dear Sea,
  We have had big"discussions" on the board when people call people "victims" with the force of a killer machete.
  We  developed skewed thinking and our life didn't work.We did not value ourselves, mainly, our own needs.
  We thought we would be OK if we took care of other people, co-dependents, and it didn't work.
   It is sad how much you loved your ex--husband.
  I can hear that under  the details. You really loved him and you miss the dreams of how life could have been with him.
  The loss of dreams, as well as the loss of people hurts so badly.
   Sometimes, it is a killer hurt.
   I am sorry, Seastorm. I have missed you and always appreciated your honesty. Glad you are back.            Love,    Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: trying to find my voice
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2008, 05:28:56 PM »
Sea Storm,

I so appreciate your putting this all in writing and sharing your recent and past experiences. Very illuminating. A couple things:

You wrote, "I asked him if it was ok if I made sure by having automatic withdrawl so there would never be another late payment if that would be ok. It was not ok. "

Alot of times, we don't know where our own power begins or ends. What would happen if you would set this up - as you have every right to do?

"He reminded me that I am sick and mentally ill and the usual denigrating horror."

It's great that you recognize that you don't have any obligation to listen to this nonsense. Good for you for hanging up.

I understand your feeling of being in love with this person. That's the hardest thing to understand - for me  anyway - why, out of the millions of people on this planet - why this person? Why are they so infinitesmally important? I guess we'll never really get a definitive answer - and it probably doesn't matter. The fact is - is they are important to you. Their opinion is still important and you still have a wish to please him.

What pleases you, Sea Storm? And what resources are at your disposal today to make that come about?

Those are the questions I would focus on if I were you. Develop a certainty about what you want to have happen to Sea Storm in the next 12 mos. And give this man you talk about here a tiny tiny tiny little piece of your time - only what's necessary to finish up this obligation. Then open up that space for a loving, warm and reciprocating friendship or a bookcase full of books you've been wanting to read...or that picnic you've thought about having with a special person in your life. Your soul needs nurturance and you are the one who knows how to go out and get that nurturance.

Thanks again for opening up your heart,


"All things not at peace will cry out." Han Yun

"He who angers you conquers you." - Elizabeth Kenny


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Re: trying to find my voice
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2008, 06:49:04 PM »
Hiya ss,

I see a disconnect in what you have done and how you perceive it. You're making good progress.
It takes a long time to clean up the mess these idiots make and it often involves hard choices. You did the right thing in using some of your retirement funds to pay that line off and get him out of your hair. You might consider taking your own name off of it first when you do pay it off because he might just run a bunch of debt right back on it, despite what he says about wanting his name off of it.
I think you've done the best that can be expected in a bad situation.
Just quit talking to the chump (which gives him 90% of his power over you) and you'll be most of the way home free.


sea storm

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Re: trying to find my voice
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2008, 10:52:36 PM »
All good information and validation friends.  I did go into a shame spiral and I did fall into the trap of talking to him. Hope springs eternal.  Now I am seriously afraid of him. He means me no good at all. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
This has nearly ruined me financially. No ten thousand but more like a hundred thousand.  As for Retirement savings. I will have about 3000 left.  this is a lesson in values for sture. I refuse to care too much about the money.  the cruelty and the glee in hurting me stuns me.

The ammount of slander floors me.   But this is what he does: swindling, lying and slander. They go together like peas in a pod.
Almost two years later I have menaged to keep my job and my house for now.  He continues to get his money fom inheritance and the money he got from me.  He has big plans, very impressive.  But they never go anywhere. No contact is what i need to do. I thought after all this time that things had cooled down and we could talk but that was idiocy.  He did use the info I gave him to come at my for another round of terrorizing.



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Re: trying to find my voice
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2008, 01:34:39 PM »
My 3 for my ex are lying, cheating and adultry.....Nogadge