Hi Sea Storm,
You said this on another thread that is now locked:
I have been reading this labyrinthian, paranoid, blame game for awhile now. The hook gets sunk and then apologies are made, only to start again. Will no one leave this to rest?
One thing i like about Voicelessness is when a person who is nasty posts and tries to get a rise out of people. No one replies. I thought.... oh someone will be unable to resist giving the so and so a tongue lashing .... but no ... there was no response.
For some reason people are taking these darts to heart. How about using the admonishion in the Four Agreements ie. Take nothing personally. There is a lesson in all this. This is a place for healing and there are frequent derailments into uber personal attacks. From now on I am ignoring them completely…..
You said that apologies were made. I have to disagree.
I have been called a troll. When that did not pan out, I was accused of inflaming a situation, when that was explained (and I tried to take other’s POV into consideration when I posted that) what was the response I got?
Nothing substantial. No statement to the effect of ……. I was wrong to gossip about you and promote my thoughts via PM that you were a troll.
Let alone an apology. Three other people were targeted just like this – did they receive an apology. No.
My credibility here, my identity …… no ….. my voice has been questioned here, simply because I have a different point of view.
I am certainly not looking to cause any upset on this board; however, I disagree that apologies were made.
And from my end, to be the subject of gossip, to be accused of something I am not, without one shred of evidence, to undermine my credibility with other posters via PM …... hurts.
You also said this:
From now on I am ignoring them completely.
Excellent advice. Me too. I believe it is the only solution to this particular labyrinth.