I will try to think of all the schemas. It's been a while since I read that book!
Emotional Deprivation
Mistrust & Abuse
Unlovability/Feel Defective
Social Exclusion (Don't Belong)
Vulnerability (Lose Control)
Failure (Deficiency/Inferior)
Perfectionism/Unrelenting Standards
Entitlement (rules don't apply to me)
The other thing I remember about the book is that there are generally 3 ways to respond
1) Surrender - Nothing changes. The engram, the pattern continues.
2) Escape - Avoid thinking or communicating about the schema at all. “What’s the use?”
3) Counterattack - You do or act the opposite of our schema and take on that persona.
As far as the magical thinking goes, I think some of these (like entitlement) would apply? These subjects all seem to meld.