I went through another grieving period. Reliving painful events and asking WHY WHY . Wondering if I deserved everything that happened. It went on for days. I felt abandoned, frightened, had panic attacks, even thought about suicide.
How I survived:
I connected witht his website and there are still some familiar and kind souls here. I read way back to 2006.
I phoned friends and asked for help
I did something nice on Saturday ( went for a ride on a steam train to an historic site)
I rested a lot and read
I did tapping when I was panicking
I bought very nice fruit and treats
I watched the Seven Samurai ( that always cheers me up)
I realized that this panic came from my inner child and I promised to stay away from ex
I realized I felt about four years old or younger and that I needed to stop in my tracks and nurture myself non=stop until I was out of this
After the grief was calming down I realized that a few more tentacles of my ex are gone. What a painful process.
You have been my witnesses to this rebirthing process. Thank you with all my heart.
Sea storm