Happy Saturday everyone.......I felt the need to come here today.....it is the only place that I know there are people who understand....because they've been there, are there and can relate.
I find myself declining...The last few weeks have been more difficult than usual...I think perhaps because the realities of my life have been tossed in my face more than usual. I mentioned that I have a very difficult job situation with a boss who is a "mean" narcissist. The job environment is so toxic and I have to work every night and every weekend, not to mention dealing with her narcissistic ways.
I think I also mentioned recently that my dad took ill over Father's Day. He ended up being hospitalized and had a defibrillator implanted. He is doing well now...but during his short, two-day hospital stay, it became very apparent that my Nmom and Nsis (who are always attached at the hip) were in total control of everything. My Nsis was at the hospital but my Nmom made it clear she didn't want me there. My Nmom only has interest in my Nsis period. It just made me feel really hurt and sad because I know even though I would like to be a good daughter to my dad, especially as he ages and may get sick, I won't be able to, because they won't allow it. Even during those times, neither of my parents want anything to do with me.
Today, my brother asked if he could take me and my parents out to dinner (as a psot Fathers Day celebration). My dad immediately say "ask your mother". And, of course my Nmom made up some excuse that she was too busy to go today. But, oh what a surprise, tomorrow my Nsis and her boyfriend are schedule to make an all day appearance, and for that, they both have all the time in the world. My dad and Nmom routinely ask me to help them either find information or help for what turns out to be for some project they're working on my Nsis. I am very invisible.
I just keep being reminded that I don't matter, that I have no value, that I am a failure. This past week I attended a business function (a baseball game event) with my Nboss, a couple of other staff and some vendors that we work with. I was surrounded by these women who had it all----great paying jobs, children, attentive husbands, good looks, etc. I know it's not healthy to do so, but I couldn't help comparing myself and wondering why I never got a break....why I've never gotten anything worthwhile---why there is not a single person in this world that thinks I have some value, at least enough to take some interest. I guess I'm feeling really, really alone and lost. The reality has hit that no one in my family cares anything at all for me....I feel trapped and alone.
I know I should try to move out but I feel trapped again. I have had to start job searching again because my current job is just untenable---my Nboss is really abusive and the whole company is just unhealthy. But I'm not sure if I should wait until I find another job to make a decision about moving or just wait. I've been trying to save money in that regard but as we all know, that is a slow process....And then I think I'll not only be emotionally alone, but physically alone as well. I do recogize that it won't make any difference to my family---whether I live in the same area or in Timbuc2...
I'm feeling my depression deepen again and I really don't see any light at the tunnel. This narcissisim has destroyed my life and I wonder how is it that no matter what I do I seem to be involved with these Ns....I looked for a long time for a job and I finally accepted one and my boss is the one apparent N in the company and she is a severe one at that. No one can tolerate her and indeed more than a quarter of the staff has left since she arrived. Do I just quit without a job and start over with the search? I just feel like crying all the time.
I guess I'm feeling really hurt and resentful at my family-----that they chose to toss me and my brother away in favor of the "successful" Nsis----or that my healthy bro has easily moved on with his life and focuses only on his own family----or that no one recognizes how difficult it is to be lonely when you're surrounded by people who hve loved ones in their lives. I know this sounds really sappy and stupid...but sometimes it's hard to do everything in your life alone.....
Like I said, I'm sorry, this is just a rant. There's not a single person in the offline world I have to talk to and I know many of you have experienced similiar situations.....I'm really wondering if it's worth the fight anyymore. I look around the world and there is nothing for me, nothing ever changes, no matter what I do. Last week I did one of those overnight American Cancer Society relay walks with members of my church and tried to keep in mind that there are people much worse off than I....but it seems as I looked around, everyone had someone in their life.
The narcissism in my family just seems to get worse and worse..and it becomes more and more apparent that I am never and will never be on anyone's radar.
I'd sure welcome anyone's input...Maybe someone out there can identify with how I'm feeling...Then again, maybe not

....Summer is here and it is generally my best time (the sunlight usually helps my clinicial depression) but even now, it gets so hard to force myself to get up and do anything....All these things to do and no one to do them with....everything just seems to remind me about the lack of love in my life.
Sorry for the rant.....really sorry...I just needed to express it today.