Hi again, Beth,
Your place sounds really great! Fresh, cozy, not overwhelming... lots of opportunity for fun activities.
The dreams about never catching up are maybe about some pressure you're putting on yourself to do everything just right this time?
I don't know, but I do that to myself. Or at least I used to. Without the pressure, it's just a step-at-a-time process. It's when it becomes a perfectionist issue that it torments, I think.
Also gets pretty tormenting when I try to do something to prove a point... even if it's just myself to whom I'm trying to prove it, you know?
Why do we test ourselves this way? I want to quit!
And I don't know any clearcut steps to separating what's in front of you now from what can't be replaced about the past...
other than to grieve those losses which can't be redeemed.
I feel them, too.
I set up a little pool here for the 2 kids we still have at home... well, for all of us... but I'm not really enjoying it. Seems that is because there's a double-whammy attached to it. Last time my family had a pool was years ago when the kids' dad was with us... and there's the old angst about that. Then there seems to be a nonsensical desire for my parents to see my kids having so much fun in this pool... which is something I always wanted as a kid, but we had to have what my mother wanted, always... and that was not on her list. And I feel so dumb even typing this, but... there you have it. Why is it so hard to move on and
to UNattach them and the past from the present and enjoyment/satisfaction/contentment with the now?
Not doing much answering here, huh. Just more questions.
I actually do the work and work hard at things. But I always feel like I am doing it to thumb my nose or something. I also know that if I do get in shape, my mother will assume it is just from the sheer fact that we have a pool and she doesn't that it "happened" to me. Does this make sense??
Yes, it makes perfect sense to me. I have the reverse deal... finding myself refusing to work at some things
which I truly do enjoy - or else it's a huge chore to work on them, instead of the pleasure I used to get - because - - - - eek - - - because I suspect that the reasons I used to do and enjoy them were perfectionist/proving-some-point in nature
and that driving force is gone now. Kinda feel naked without it.
Beth, all it takes to send me into a spin is a letter from my mother commenting on what a good housekeeper so-and-so is and how nice their yard looked.
My heartrate accelerates and I feel hopelessly overwhelmed for a bit, until I remind myself that I'm the one in charge of my life... and I don't want to have to knock myself out in order to impress anyone, including myself.
So... your mother thinks that stuff just magically happens and mine thinks everything must be done in the most difficult manner possible. They each have a ditch.
Where is the map to the middle of that road?
How does "The fact is, life is good right now"... get a new ending to the sentence, like... "and that is enough!" ?
Maybe just by practicing... gratitude ?

Counting blessings.