That exuberant, responsive person is dormant or gone.
Sea, you are one who knows that love is a great power, not a treacly fluffy gooey thing.
To meet a child and greet his enormity and complexity and respect his being so profoundly...
you are Dr. Sea, like Dr. G, like Andrew Vachs, who can make space in your own chest for a small child's enormous pain.
No wonder the loss of love in your life has been devastating. Like an echo of all the pain of all the children that you have to withstand and be present to, over and over.
You need a deep harbor. A tranquil and wise soul. Not a flamboyant glamourman.
For the work you do, you need a nurturing man. And so deserve one.
Meanwhile, look for nurturing women...woman are so brave about embracing and loving and supporting each other. We can hold other's women's pain.
And one day, you will find your man. Your exuberance is tempered, how could it not be?
Your responsiveness is drained by how much you must respond, all day, no holding back, utter presentness (even through a professional demeanor, it's still happening inside)...
Oh it's okay to want a nurse.