Hi everyone,
Thanks for your feedback. Somehow I missed this until now. (Monday.)
Haven't heard back from her since ... Thursday? Or Wednesday. I forget.
This has me a little concerned about her reliability/responsiveness. It could just be a vacation. It could just be she doesn't check her emails. It could be any # of things. She was responsive at first.
Anyway, if I do see her and I learn anything interesting about Ns, I'll let you know. My current therapist knows the deal, but he would never classify someone (he doesn't speak in those terms anyway) or hint that someone is something, or talk in those terms ... so, he never says the N word. But he certainly talks about manipulation and he certainly understands when I talk about the impenetrable mask. So he knows, he's just being professional.
Lighter, I'm not sure if you're talking about geographic proximity or educational, but ... I don't think it will be a problem. She said she maintains her office off-campus (miles and miles away) to keep those boundaries clear. Also, she said she doesn't teach any courses in the program he's in, so it doesn't sound like they would even meet.
Carolyn, thank you. (I know you've checked out for awhile...)
Ann, you don't sound like an N at all. I know what you mean, though. WHen I post here or elsewhere and talk about myself, I often have the same feeling/fear. They really get to us in so many ways!
That's amusing about your ex-H. Glad I made you laugh. This one might actually do it; he seemed more intent upon it and arranged things so he could, but ... who knows with them? It could have all been a "my life is so rosy" bit. I've sometimes thought the whole resignation thing was really because maybe things weren't going as well for him with us (now that so many people knew about his affair) and that the new job/career plans were just a smokescreen. Lie. Everything is rosy deal. Who knows? He certainly is gifted and very smart. When I read some of the threads here, I so want to post some of his thoughts/sermons. He really is an amazing preacher. Wonderful insights. If only he lived what he preaches!! (I always gag on the one where he talked about "the importance of living the right way." And by right he didn't mean following rules, he meant living with compassion and mercy and love and hospitality and welcome.)
Wandering, sorry!