Dr. Gottman’s six habits of poor communication:
* Harsh Start ups
* The Four Horsemen: criticism, contempt, defensiveness, stonewalling
* Flooding
* Body Language
* Failed Repair Attempts
* Bad Memories
"Let me explain in my own words the dynamics behind these habits of poor communication. I think, like me, you will see yourself in many of them."
Harsh Start Ups: Harsh start ups' put the other person in the defensive before the conversation has a chance.
The Four Horsemen: Dr. Gottman claims that certain types of negativity are more lethal to your relationship.
His four horsemen are:
1) Criticism: Complaints are normal but criticism deals more with your spouse’s character and personality.
2) Contempt: This is long simmering negative thoughts about your partner that turn into disrespect.
3) Defensiveness: As we discussed earlier in the chapter this approach rarely ever works and usually turns the conversation into a blame game.
4) Stonewalling: Eventually your partner tunes you out. X wasn’t willing to work at communication with Y ... he simply crawled into his cave and the conversation stopped for the time being.
Flooding: This happens when you or your spouse bombards the communication with negativity whether it is in the form of criticism, contempt, defensiveness or any other negative approach. Some people would call consistent nagging a form of flooding. One man told me that when his wife starts flooding and nagging at him, he feels like she is taking her hand and just tapping on his chest until he blows up.
Body Language: Authorities tell us that good communication is more about body language than actual words. When a person shuts the other person out with their body language, usually the healthy communication is over. Literally sometimes their body language is evident that they have quit listening. It is too difficult to stay that intense.
Failed Repair Attempts: A repair attempt is when a couple puts the brakes on the tension in the relationship and deescalates the conversation. Obviously there are times with intense communication where a couple needs to take a timeout. In a relationship that isn’t working, a failed repair attempt doesn’t work at decreasing the tension or lowering the stress level. Constant failed repair attempts are like that stress fracture that just keeps getting worse.
Bad Memories: When a couple is consumed with negativity it not only affects their past but it can place danger on their future. In almost all cases there are very good and happy memories in every relationship but if things are too negative that they can’t remember the good times, the relationship is deteriorating.
"These are all bad habits, but quite normal. If you are struggling in the communication department of your marriage, then I strongly suggest you get the help you need to work out the communication issues."
While Dr Gottman is referring to intimate relationships, I do think the same applies in all interactions with people, in any setting.
Just some thoughts for open discussion.
Leah x