What do you suggest for a default mentality?
Be petty and negative.
The most surefire way to repel people who are in positions to help you advance is to complain that something’s broken without offering to help fix it.
How can I close myself off to new opportunities?
Live in the past.
This is a particularly good idea if you can dwell on some mistake you made without ever forgiving yourself for it. Living in the past will keep you squarely focused on failure and will prohibit you from ever noticing any opportunity in the present to improve your lot.
Is there a particularly good way to mismanage my emotions?
Wallow in self-pity.
They say that blood is thicker than water, and money is thicker than blood. I say self-pity is thicker than cement. At any time, pick a global tragedy and convince yourself that it happened just to make you miserable. Repeat often, until the world seems like one big crucible that exists just to put the squeeze on you.
How can I make my environment optimally conducive to my self-destruction?
Get ESPN, HBO, and VH1.
It’s 2:30 am, and you can’t decide between ESPN’s SportsCenter, a TMC showing of His Girl Friday, and a VH1 Celebreality rerun. One thing is for sure: tomorrow is going to suck. Again.
How can I share my frenetic state of mind with others?
Make everything a #1 priority.
Insist on giving your top priorities your maximum effort and attention. Be sure to have lots of top priorities; if you don’t need to caffeinate to stay on top of them all, add some more. Engage as many people to help you as possible, running them all ragged to help you check things off your to-do list faster.
Operate with two standards of excellence: barely passable and deplorable. Be quick to let people know that they’re not up to either. Your inability to show any emotion other than grave disappointment will act as an invisible moat, making the restraining orders others would like to slap you with functionally irrelevant.
(Based on material from How to Self-Destruct by Jason Seiden.)
Thought this was good reminder - is your governor on?