Right. Accusations leveled under the guise of "honesty" has always been one of his tricks. In my late teens I told him that if he wanted to know how I felt about something, or my opinion on a matter, etc., he could ask. If he "assigned" me a position, I would simply assume he was really talking about himself, because so often, he was. "You don't know what love is." "You aren't capable of loving anyone." "You're not worth anything anyway." ALL these things, I honestly believe, he felt at some level about himself, and he wasn't (isn't) man enough to face them, so he threw them at the most vulnerable person around. When I told him I would always replace "you" in these sorts of comments with "I," it opened up a whole new range of responses when he hurled them. Oddly enough, even compassion. Rarely, but it did crop up now and then. It was pretty hard to act on it because he sees compassion as weakness and steps up the attack, so I'd only go there if I had the time and energy.