Dear Juno,
Even with confidence bottomed out and the burden of depression, I believe that you have a sound head on your shoulders and a gut that's very worthy of trust.
I think that it is completely normal to get upset all over again, when you say some things aloud.
That puts it into an entirely different realm... and it's okay.
Some of the biggest setbacks I've ever had... well, I think they've been self-induced, because I started beating myself up over not being "over" some hurdle which I'd thought was cleared.
You are doing so well to reach out for assistance in a thoughtful, deliberate way. And she accepts your insurance! That is awesome.
One day at a time, one appointment at a time, right?
And you can certainly inform your physician of your personal experience with Prozac and ask lots of questions re: other alternatives, if you'd like.
Your recovery really is in your hands... very capable hands which just need some help right now, Pp.
You can allow these other individuals to assist you in healing, as you choose... at your own pace and according to your own unique style... which is a very wonderful style, indeed.
Please don't forget how very precious you are.