Author Topic: A deep and heartfelt thank-you  (Read 1083 times)


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A deep and heartfelt thank-you
« on: July 08, 2008, 05:00:21 PM »
I just wanted to say a very appreciative thank you to all of you who have so generously jumped in to post something lately. I cannot tell you how grateful I am, I really cannot.

It's been a very hard few weeks; today there's quite a bit of sunshine peeking through. I'm thinking it will be around for a little. Perhaps I am past the worst of the N ordeal.

When we talk about giving at my church, we often talk about the importance of giving to someone whom we will never meet -- which indeed, is where most of our mission dollars go.

Most likely I will never meet any of you face-to-face, but at least we can meet here, in this safe and oh-so-insightful and supportive community.

Y'all were here when I needed someone frequenty, throughout the day.

And you read a lot of long posts.

Thank you so much. I sure hope I can reciprocate.

Peace to you all,


PS -- if I may ask, would you all keep a friend of mine in your prayers? I just learned today that he is facing a diagnosis of spinal cancer. He is my oldest friend -- from when I was 4 years old. We used to play Superman together. His father was a wonderful minister and baptized me; his family was the home I ran to (literally) for love and support. They moved away but because of his profession I was able to reconnect with him online a few years ago. He's a brilliant man, a college professor, and truly one of the nicest people I have ever met. He also gave some very sound advice to me at the outset of the N thing, when I thought it was a real romance, that helped save me / protect me.

He is very special, and I would ask your prayers for him and his wife. You can just name him as Superman, I guess.