Author Topic: I am so mad right now!  (Read 1857 times)


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I am so mad right now!
« on: July 17, 2008, 03:15:18 PM »
I just want to scream.  Instead I'm doing all of the piddly clean up work around my office that I"ve been putting off.

H and I went to my parents' house for July 4th and we had a decent time.  It was very stressful, but not horrible.  The next weekend more family was coming in and M and I went out to visit with them.  NM was not on her best behavior then.  After we went out July 4th NM called and wanted to take M shopping and to lunch.  I told her I didn't know what his schedule was like and we'd see.  I finally decided he could go, but either H or I had to go with him.  NM did not like this when I told her, and demanded to know what I was hiding.  I told her I wasn't hiding anything, but that I didn't think M needed to be pumped for information.  She told me that she doesn't pump him for information, that he volunteers.  That's true to a point.  He'll volunteer things occasionally, but she spends a lot of times asking things like, "Is H nice to you?" 

"What kind of chores do you have to do?"
"Why were you grounded?"

Things that are none of her business.  She wanted to know all about M's medication, also none of her business.  It was decision his doctor and I made.  NM disagrees with giving him the medication even though it helps him focus and concentrate, and M will tell you that it helps him.  She's gone on and on about the evils of his medication.  Last night she called M and told him all about taking him shopping and going to lunch.

Then today, she calls and demands to know why I won't let her take him alone, and I told her I didn't want him pumped for information.  She got mad and told me she doesn't know H, and that when we did go out to visit that H and I were so busy talking to my SIL that she didn't get to talk to either of us.  NM made no effort to talk to either one of us.  She didn't appreciate being thrown together with a stranger, and that H and I needed to spend some time visiting before she made that step.  I told her if she didn't want to go with H, then she should pick a day that I could go, maybe on a weekend.  She informed me that weekends didn't work for her and she only had a short time during the week because she can't walk and everything she eats makes her sick.  SHe told me she would call M later and explain why she couldn't take him out tomorrow.  Then she informed me that my whole family thinks there's something wrong with M, and that she didn't know what I was hiding, but I might as well tell her.  I'm not hiding anything from her.  She's just assuming.

So now, I'm going to have a disappointed 11 year old, who's grandmother is probably going to tell him what an horrible witch I am because I won't let his grandmother take him out shopping by herself.  Just this weekend though, he told H and I that his grandmother always pulled his hair when she was mad at him or when he wasn't paying attention, and he is so scared of making her mad that he literally makes himself sick.  H and I have managed to undo some of what my NM has done to him.  We've got him trying new things.  We even started teaching him to ride a bike last night.  he's been convinced he couldn't for years.  My NM was always telling him he could never do things.  There's so many positive changes, but my NM is upset because there's something wrong with him.

I'm going to call my brother and find out just what he thinks is wrong with M, and I'm going to tell him that I"m done.  I'm not going to play games anymore.  I'm not going to let NM sink her claws in M and destroy what H and I have managed to do.  M can at least have some semblance of normalcy.  I never had that.

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Re: I am so mad right now!
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2008, 03:44:21 PM »
Oh... Tay.....

I think this is righteous anger. 100% Justified. As M's mom, you are well within your rights - ah, well, you even have a responsibility - to set the conditions for M's visits - knowing what you know about her. She obviously doesn't want to let you make the rules and doesn't like it that you are.

You might be able to soften the disappointment for M, by saying the timing just didn't work out. He doesn't need to know all the rest, I don't think.

As for your mom - Horrendous behavior from a supposed adult; she doesn't learn because she can't. It's obvious she doesn't understand that she doesn't make rules for you anymore.

(((((((tay))))))) You really shouldn't have to put up with being treated like this, either.
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Re: I am so mad right now!
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2008, 04:01:58 PM »
Yeah, Tay, this is horrible. I don't know a lot of your story, but no matter. Your NM is trying to yank your chain. Good for you for standing up for yourself.

I can't imagine why your M would want to visit his Ngrandmother if she pulls his hair and he's afraid of stepping out of line. He's not making himself sick for no reason, and he told you he was for a very definite reason -- protection.

Kids know the real deal. Maybe he won't be so disappointed after all??

Definitely, definitely righteous anger!!

The bit about the whole family thinking you're hiding something -- that's just out and out manipulation, and probably a lie. Don't buy into it. It's most likely not true.

Go scream. It always helps me. (So does cleaning...)


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Re: I am so mad right now!
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2008, 04:16:40 PM »
Oh, she also tried to tell me that I was blackmailing her into doing something she didn't want to do, as if she's never done any blackmailing of her own.  She probably told me everyone thought I was hiding something just so I'd change my mind.

I asked H to try to talk to him before his grandmother so that she could remind him why we weren't letting him see his grandmother.

I don't think M really cares.  He doesn't even like clothes shopping.  He hates it in fact.

Lily, my desk at work is really, really clean right now.  I can see the top in fact.  It's never this clean.  It feels weird. 

Oh, I also forgot to mention that NM called me at work.  Of course she would so she could talk to me freely, and I wouldn't have H around for support.  As soon as I hung up I called H and told her what had happen.  H had had plans for Friday but was going to change them.  I told her to go to lunch with her friend like she'd planned.  Just as I started talking to her, my NM called my house.  When H answered she hung up.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
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Re: I am so mad right now!
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2008, 04:32:27 PM »

I'm coming to the realization that these NM's are vampires, Tay. When they come in contact with people who have normal boundaries, normal emotions and are reasonably happy... they are faced with comparing the absolute emptiness in their own souls with those normal people. So they use any and all means to at least make you un-happy.... if you can't be controlled.

If you can be controlled - they will suck all the life and the joy of life, right out of you.
H scares the living daylights out of your mom, because she can't control her - and now, oh lordy - you've been "changed", too... and she can't control you either.

Freedom for you, M & H...
Panic for your mom.

So, of course, she'll be nasty... play the guilt card... you know all those feints; it's all just to get her hooks back into you so she can wreak havoc.

And a clean desk is really pleasant some days!  :D 
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Re: I am so mad right now!
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2008, 05:24:54 PM »
Yep, it's pretty nice.  i've even gotten a good start on a project I've been putting off all week.

They are vampires.  This is the first time I haven't let her knock me off my rock of normalcy.  I haven't invited her to my house.  I didn't show her any pictures of the house, etc. 

If she keeps on I'm going to change the phone number too.  At least I wouldn't be getting calls for people who don't live at my house.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
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Re: I am so mad right now!
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2008, 11:02:32 PM »
I am sorry you are going through this.  A month or so ago my father called and asked when I was going to let my son come over to build a birdhouse.  The problem is that he is not willing to work with me around our schedule.  His attitude is that we either do it when it works for him or don't do it at all.  There is absolutely NO flexibility.  I suspect my son has not seen him except twice since Christmas.  And we share a backyard boundary!!  He married a neighbor in January but he doesn't have time or flexibility to see my son.  I have felt guilty about this and my heart breaks for my son.  He doesn't have a father and noone living in his father's family and only one lousy grandfather.  But I don't think that just because the man is his biological grandfather that it would be good for him.

I really understand your struggle. I find it very, very difficult.  But I admire your boundaries.  I'm not surprised your mother balked at your boundaries but you are doing the right thing to stick to them.  I am sorry about your mother saying everyone says something is wrong with M.  That is certainly painful.  I know it hurts but you are doing the right thing.


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Re: I am so mad right now!
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2008, 09:37:46 AM »

Phoenix & SS both put it so well. You are doing a great job of protecting your boundaries, yourself, and your son; it sounds like you've got a great husband. You're frustrating the heck out of your mother and she is determined to win, sounds like. Those Ns must win at all costs.

I would tell her you can't accept any calls at work. Legit. Cuts down on the pain.

If, after all this, you are still angry, you are most welcome to come clean my desk and -- gasp!! -- my house.

I have a feeling your son is relieved. I really do.

Hope things go better over the weekend.

Shame Slayer, just wanted to say -- don't worry about your son and lack of blood male influence. Better none at all than a destructive one. You are a wonderful, empathic parent, and he will pick up male role models along the way. Somewhere there will be a teacher (or more) or a friend's dad, or someone, who will fill that niche for him. Much has been written in the psych field about the ability of one stable parent to make up for the lack of another, or another with "issues."

Have a good weekend, both of you.



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Re: I am so mad right now!
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2008, 01:10:55 PM »
Hi Tayana,

Stay mad!  It's helping you to keep your boundaries with her, I bet!

his grandmother always pulled his hair when she was mad at him or when he wasn't paying attention, and he is so scared of making her mad that he literally makes himself sick.

Sorry to use the big bad "A" word but this is clearly physical and emotional abuse.

Your mother abused your son.  She also emotionally/mentally abused you and only you know if in any other ways.

Good for you for protecting him from her.   That's your job!!!

Maybe soon you will be able to speak the truth to her....that she is an abuser and that you must protect your child and yourself from her.

Not nice.  Not fun.  Not even necessary unless you want to (if so, it might be a good idea to have a list of abuses you have witnessed/suffered over the years to refer to).  She sees herself as an innocent victim.  A poor disrespected parent and grandmamma!  She won't see the truth unless it is put infront of her face and even then........she may twist it all and reject you (much easier than facing such a nasty truth eh?).  It might feel good for you to say it though? Only you can decide that.

One thing for sure.......she's never going to change into the kind, gentle, loving grandmother one wishes for your son (especially....without ever facing up to her past and current behaviour).

IN the mean time, you are doing a good job as a mother.  Don't allow yourself to think or absorb anything negative she says.  Keep your arms wrapped tight around your son and don't allow her to inject her venum into him any more.  Tell her he's busy/you're busy/whatever and call him away from the phone after a quick hello.

I suspect she will do her best to poison him against you....especially as he gets older.  Don't give her that chance!!



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Re: I am so mad right now!
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2008, 04:03:03 PM »
But if you put a vampire in front of a mirror - there is no reflection; they CAN'T see themselves or they'll melt like the wicked witch of the west...

it just hurts them sooooo much and they become that much more vicious. Not worth it, in my opinion.
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Re: I am so mad right now!
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2008, 04:17:57 PM »

Oh so very true.... and so so vicious...



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Re: I am so mad right now!
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2008, 04:41:45 PM »
Dear tay, It's all so sad.

My mother was not much use for information, guidance etc., but she lived beside my daughter's elementary school. Daughter became ill. I was at work and she went to Grandma's.

Mom made a mustard plaster and put it on her chest (her cold went crazy that morning in school) and suggested she spend the night, to not go out in wintry weather. She kept changing the mustard plasters and I got the recipe, brought daughter home and she healed very well.

That was a Grandma, doing what Grandmas do, but from my upbringing, it wouldn't have been done with love. It was a necessary, sensible thing to do, with instructions and then no memory of it.

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"