Dear SS
Today I feel really different. I feel an Alice in Wonderland feeling about my life. I, always , thought my F was the "good" one who married my M, by some fluke. I thought he was the "beautiful princess" who got caught with the wicked witch and imprisoned. However, I see that he is a blank, too. I look back and see that,of course, he was a blank, but *I* had to hold on to the fact that s/one was "home", s/one felt something.
He was not overtly cruel or mean. He has no feeling for me,though. It was play acting. He does not feel any anger or outrage at the person who abused me all these years. He is his friend.
I feel so,so unsettled. I see that my rcurrent dreams of my F leaving me at various locations and not picking me up was my body's way of trying to tell me the truth. I feel so,so upset to see it,but free in a new way, too.
Nothing is as bad as feeling 'unreal", numb. I have to remember that. You, too, dear friend. Love Ami