My family has a bad habit of not doing what we want to do until some other huge thing happens. I am working hard on overcoming this now (and have to a large degree). For example, we'll go to the beach when we lose (an impossible amount of weight) and look great in our suits. For my parents, they are unhappy where they are, but won't think of trying to sell until the house is in perfect shape and clean (never going to happen). I think it is mostly my dad, really, who is like this. He always has some huge hoop to get through before he can do what he really wants. Maybe it's a way to not get what he wants, and therefore be able to continue being unhappy? I used to think I would bike when I lost weight (I am doing it now, enjoying it and losing weight because of it). I have so many things like this in my life. A lot of them do have to do with weight, as my dad is also heavy.
Does anyone relate to this???
Love, Beth