Author Topic: Discoverings.  (Read 1835 times)


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« on: August 08, 2008, 09:52:50 AM »
Some board members have asked me to share my discoverings from this visit from my mother and from my seven session with a therapist ofr the first time in my life.
My T is not my T anymore. I start working this MOnday and she is not available evenings. So I have to find another one but since I am going to have insurance now my possibilities are better now.

My discovering. I found out that when I punish her for her behavior, she backs of. She stops attacking me and she starts treating me in a more human and nice way. I did not know that for 50 years. I was so hungry of love and so needy of her that I never imagined that she would back of. I explained that to the T and she said that I established boundaries, and that I offer consequences and I follow through. And when she realized that she was going to lose privileges she behaves better. I told her many times, I am not your mother, do not ask me. I never imagined. Well, now I know what boundaries are. I had no idea that is to enforce boundaries. I learned after 50 years of life. Something I should have learned in kinder garden.
I told her, if my son gets mad at me because of your actions you will pay. And she provoked me in front of my son and I bite the bait and after that I did not talk to her for 24 hours. She hates when she does not have somebody giving her attention.
I have asked in the board so many times about boundaries, and do not understand the answers, read a lot and do not understand or have no idea what is it. Well my T translated to me what I did. It was enforcing boundaries.
Now, I will start with other people too. With dance partners, with friends, with everybody.
For ten years she has visited me once a year and she complains because I let her cook, I used to le her cook, and let her be the queen of my kitchen. She complained and made me feel guilty. This time I did not let her, I did everything my self and she complained that I did not let her. After two weeks I allowed her to wash dishes, she is so happy washing the dishes, like a little child with finally a little power in the kitchen. I made my self unavailable by taking pills to sleep and she had nobody to talk to and she hates that, and she behaved better after that. I did not take her out for two days and she behaved better after that. It is a constant struggle but it is worth it.
She does not love me the way I would like but she has to love me a little, she cant love anybody. I have to come to peace that I do not have what others had for a family and be content with what I have no matter what.
I will not go NC, I have to stay in contact with her, she is my mother and gave me birth. But I will keep her at a distance. I have to do that. Emotional and geographical distance. Most of it, emotional. Whatever she does should not affect me. I have to detach. 


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Re: Discoverings.
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2008, 02:18:04 PM »
That is just huge, Lupita.
Recognition, "experienced recognition" of what boundaries are!

No wonder this visit is going so much better.

I am SO impressed!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Discoverings.
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2008, 04:18:33 PM »
Lupita - understanding boundaries is a HUGE step! And it's part of the bricks you need - the foundation - to build a new, completely free you...


ps - no matter WHAT I'm working through, it seems like somewhere in that process or memory... there was a problem with a boundary - it's like DNA for relationships... if one small gene is missing...or out of "order"...
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Re: Discoverings.
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2008, 04:33:01 PM »
Dear Lupita
 I am so,so impressed with your wisdom. You have learned through  pain the lesson of beating s/one down with a stick. It is really sad when you have to do it to your own M.
 I did it with my M, F and H. I am willing to fight if I have to. You have to ,at times, and that is the truth
 You are doing great!    Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Discoverings.
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2008, 08:11:39 PM »
She is gone. I am very depressed. Do not know if becuase I know I was mean to her, or I feel guilty, or I miss her, or I am sad because I do not haev what I wish I had, or because she is not what I would want her to be, or a combination of all of the above. I feel very lonely.
Conciously I know that she provokes me in front of people so I react and I look bad. That is mean and not good from a mother. I feel sad, abandoned and motherless.

I guess it will feel better tomorrow.


Thank you for your responses and your kind words. I needed them.

 :( :( :( :( :(