Author Topic: Abandonment, Depression and Rejection  (Read 23222 times)


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Abandonment, Depression and Rejection
« on: August 09, 2008, 09:18:38 PM »
I just read a post about an article that spoke about abandonment and depression.  It took me awile before I could recover from it since it represented such a close connection to my life and my life-long depression.  When you're raised in an N family, you are almost always abandoned emotionally.  With the exception of the GC, the other members of the family experience these damaging effects.

The kind of depression described in this article mimicked my life exactly.  I have suffered from serious and clinical depression all my life.  Having a somewhat logical mind, I could never understand or accept why, when I suffered so from this depression, that neither of my parents or other family members would ever offer any empathy, support or help.  But as this article says, the N finds anyone who is sick as someone worthy of complete disdain and disgust.  In my mind, you go out of your way for the people who need help the most.  Instead, their inclination is to completely turn their back on you.  That kind of mindset and good mother or father behavior are on complete contrast.  I think that's why I still can't entirely accept what's happened to me.  It just makes no sense.  But of course it wouldn't.  We're talking about narcissists.

If I had to name the one "theme" of my life, I'd say it would be rejection.  Rejection by everyone in my life---starting with my family.  I am only recently understanding the extent to which my family has abandoned and rejected me.  It is complete.  My brother, who I always deemed the "healthy" one since he was able to be relatively unscathed by the narcissism, has now abandoned me as well.  He does whatever he wants without any concern for me.  Again, it is just so completely opposite the way I think and behave.  It is frankly a frightening place to live when you realize there's not a single soul in this world who cares about you and upon whom you can depend.

I also can't keep from wondering why, starting as a young child, I responded to my Nmom's and Nsis's narcissism with deep depression and he did not.  But I do realize that like my Nmom, he has no use for someone struggling with depression as I have.  He just wants it "fixed" but he can't cope with the idea that it can't be readily fixed or that part of the "fix" is for someone to pay attention in and take interest in me.  He has made it clear that he has no time for me and is not interested in making time for me.  How can you react to that with anything but hurt and pain?

So the rejection and abandonment is just so complete.  And how do you move on or even keep going when literally everyone has abandoned you?  On the one hand, it makes me angry because I've always been so attentive to and concerned about others...but the feelings have never been returned.  It hurts that my own family never cared anything about me and that that will never change.  It hurts to know I am alone in this world....

It was a powerful article...and helped explain my depression a lot.....It's cause is far more rooted in environmental reasons than biological ones.  But it is just so painful to know that I am on no one's radar....that I never mattered.

Gaining Strength

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Re: Abandonment, Depression and Rejection
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2008, 10:42:22 PM »
You deserve a long and carefully articulated response.  But I am going to give a quick thought.  What you describe could be my own writing.  It is unconscionable and incomprehensible what many of us here have experienced by our families.  I have two brothers and both of them have done the very same to me as you write about your siblings.  For years I thought my brothrs had received the same treatment as I had and was really hard on myself for being the only one who really could not function.  But I was wrong - they did not get the same treatment. 

I have learned that only in the past year as my brothers relationship fell apart and my oldest brother - for a reason I will never understand - decided to be kind to me and somewhat inclusive.  During this past year as we have worked together to get my mother's financial and legal and house issues in line we have discussed our experiences of our parents.  They were not the same.  I am surprised.  It helped me understand why we ended up so differently.

There is some good help here.  Read as much as you can and find those you connect with and ask for help - you may find something that helps you find your way out of the pain.  It isn't easy But I believe it is possible.


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Re: Abandonment, Depression and Rejection
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2008, 11:40:25 PM »
Dear Sunblue
 You have many,many things to grieve. I am greiving many things and do feel better. It sounds like you have not truly  greived your tremendous loss.
 Alice Miller has helped me .It has been the only thing that ever really helped,so I offer it to you. I am so sorry you are hurting.
              Love   Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Abandonment, Depression and Rejection
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2008, 08:28:56 AM »
You are not alone Sunbliue.  Many of us here are right where you are many of us curled up, wounded and hiding away..  But I have learned that we are not aone.  we have each other and that alone gives me hope

Spyralle x