Hi Gjazz-
It's good to read your insights into the "girls are supposed to sacrifice for the boys" FOOs- I was so very indoctrinated, sometimes I think back and cannot believe how fully I bought into the myth! My NM left when I was very young ( 3 or 4???) and my NF installed me in her place...My brother left home at 16 never to return except for brief visits. He got a full Ivy League scholarship, but NF would not sign my financial aid papers- I was 16 almost 17 and didn't realize that there was such a thing as "emancipation" through a court order- so I worked and paid my own way at a local college, etc. ( I had already started working in high school)
When my father was dying, my wealthy brother did not come to help care for him or to attend the funeral- I think the key difference here is the fact that your M remained as a caretaker, and you have a sister, etc- your family is not totally fractured- and that my brother disengaged and saved himself unlike your poor sibling. Still, I have an ingrained sense of "making things okay" for everyone and pangs of longing or guilt or whatever when I am ata weak point and think about the destruction of my FOO.
The bitter and prolonged divorce warfare with my husband has been a tonic as far as healing me from the "sacrificing for love" modus operandi- UGH!!!
Do you find as a "little sister" that you tend to the needs of others before your own, or was your experience simply the sacrifice of the girls for the sake of the boys?