My life has been a roller coaster ride in 2008...............although my d and her h still maintain she came early I figure the story went a little different........anyway, still a VERY romantic story!! This baby girl weighed 8 pounds and she is so beautiful!! My d texted me at 1:56 last night and told me she wouldn't stop crying!! Oh, remember when your first baby came home and you didn't have a clue??? SHe is nursing so that is something they will have to learn together. My d's boobs are huge!! I rememberf that too!!
My son in law's job only let him off for the day of the birth so I went to the hospital the other two days and hung out with my d. I am in love with this baby. She is sooooo cute!! I ran around getting prescriptions and thermometers and this thing that keeps the baby on it's back in the crib.........problem is baby wants to be held the whole time and these kids will not sleep because they are afraid she will die if they do!! I remember those feelings, too. They are going to be sooo exhausted!!
Thanks for all the well wishing!! I am almost old where any of you grandmas when you became a first time grandma???