Author Topic: I guess I chose to ignore what you are saying and that perhaps everything will h  (Read 2752 times)


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I think in terms like you..and I do think..generational..has alot to do with things...

Yes Iz I do believe that it was the case..I don't know how to handle such I handle them how I know...and that is flat...I'm sorry..poor girl..we I exist..and we are must clean, cook, sew..whatever it takes.
It's all they had to work with.  What was there back then..there was no support groups, no knowledge like we have now or's all they knew...which was to just ...carry on...

Back then Abuse was discipline, Voice was disrespect, and my mother was raised by an abusive father and a depressed mother who was in some kind of emotional bondage...not without it...just in a generational *prison of times*...Not only was my g'ma a victim of her husband she was a victim of her times...her generation....What was there to do.....when it just was....

I don't think she would have thought in terms of I chose to ignore it and then perhaps everything will heal....Maybe I chose to ignore it and perhaps...everything shall pass...and we will survive...exist.....because that is what they had been doing for years healed cuts, operations, and you let emotions...pass....unhealed balance.....I'm sorry poor dear...I have to make coffee and get your fathers dinner ready...then tomorrow do laundry..and sweep.....keep the balance...unhealed..and perhaps...I will survive....flat..

Could have it been this way for them???  If they were not N then what were they...depressed victimized women...gone Flat..



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Hi Deb
I SO apprreciate what you said. I really do. I could never have arrived at the conclusion you have, although many is the time I have tried and had I succeeded, I would have said what you did.

Because somewhere in my life I felt that too, and had no words for it. I was 'flat', I had no 'use', but I still did my work, nothing happy ever happened, it was gray and dusty and flat, I existed but didn't cry, there were cuts and bruises, accidents and concussions an let's just wait for the doctor, meanwhile go back to chopping the wood, there are no outs, it will always be this.

No they are not Ns as we know them here. They are another breed entirely, a sad breed, no hope, no happiness. no joy in their children, no joy and maybe afraid there is nothing after life, so what was it all for?

 I wish more people had caught on to this one as I feel it is very very important. I sometimes think too many are willing to blame N-ism for lack of searching further.

« Last Edit: August 25, 2008, 12:33:57 AM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"