Hi SS and Beth, again,
Wow! Then my mother must be the all time winner for not showing any affection (and my father)
We 5 kids grew up in that atmosphere--if you don't get it, then feel it.....how are you to give it, and feel it?........
On her death bed, I leaned over, gave her a peck on the forehead and said, 'Safe journey. Mom' and she said 'I love you'. That was the first timer ever that I heard those words from her.
On his death bed, my father could not talk, so I had no idea what he was thinking.
They did the necessary things that would make them 'look good to the neighbours' and talked with all the neighbours, all more than to each other and us at home.
I suspect we just grew upon our own and learned things if we were told by as friend or teacher or whomever. That is why we are all in a state of living our own lives and are not close.
After the accident, it was 2 weeks before my mother came and I was in death's door for 6 days. Only my father was there and my eldest siste, the nurse.
I have learned, now, to guage them all by their reaction to my life-altering accident as only one visit iin a year is 'not enough support' to even count.
I feel as though ALL of them said "Oh, the poor girl. Well, leave her to it and get on with our own lives!"
Thanks for your responses and, as always when I hear these things, I feel cheated, really cheated, but it is all past now and I want no battles renewed at my age.
I suspect that something about this had 'driven' me and I 'do it on my own' and I will until the end. Therefore even my friends might 'forget' about my wheels--the friends from far away and who be like my mother and say:
I guess I chose to ignore what you are saying and that perhaps everything will heal. period (Stella)
Please Izzy, Please come and see me! Please Izzy, Please come and see me! (Cathie, who is on the phone in Wichita, Kansas, having had chemo for a lung tumour and won't keep quiet long enough for me to inter ject anything after "no" )(then explanation about certain private things.)