Dear Kelly,
This sounds like a painful change. I don't have much to say except this:
1. hypocrites are God's children too! I often find myself thinking God should love me more! It doesn't work that way even though sometimes I want it to.
2. This could be a cloud with a silver lining. I've just spent the last couple of weeks on a very emotional family roller coaster ride (this is why I'm back visiting the board). I found that the biggest upsets helped to push us towards a better position, a better decision about going forward together. We couldn't wiggle out and hang on to the status quo (which sucks pretty badly). Perhaps that doesn't make sense without all my boring details, but perhaps this upset in your life will improve the current situation and lead you to make some good changes. That is my hope for you.
in the meantime, keep both feet on the ground! Hugs, MP