thank you PR
Yes, practical and mischievous. There is always that tad of mischief in me
I was out shopping today, PR and changing and in the wine store was flirted with by 2 guys, Hank and George, woo-woo, 49 and 50, so you see since I am older I can get away with it. Hank was standing in front of the door I wanted and I was in front of the door he wanted so he did both and I tried to back up but couldn't. It was noisy and the cash register was a -humming and I asked, "Did my backup beepers not work?" as I think I ran over Hank's toe.
Then on to the grocery store and A handsome Native lad was my checkout clerk. I said, 'Hiya handsome', and he was so good to me when packing and then hanging the bags on my chair. He touched me without my permission, but it was just a shoulder pat that seemed to mean, "This was fun!"
Then I came home and called the Super about my key, as I couldn't lock my door when I went out. All fixed nbow and almost time for Y & R
So changing, did you sell off your DVDs? or go to craigslist to buy? You borrow DVDs from the Library? My Library does not have movies/entertainment ones, just learning.
I hang out on my movie site and sometimes have watched 3 a day! Addictive is right, and still only own about 10 DVDs (the ones I wanted to keep!)
No dogs in my apartment. and I am not a cat person. I never knew cats could be pets. Ours on the farm were mousers and when they had babies Dad drowned the kittens and when the cats became old and sick he shot them. Lined them up on the back porch railing and made us watch. Bang bang bang bang--------------------->
I realize my therapist doesn't want to see my homework. When I do it, I do it for myself............... Well he sure is missing a life story!
So on with Life