When I was growing up, my mother had good chinaware and good silverware. She had a 'silence cloth' to put under the lace tablecloth and this was used for Xmas, New Years, or any other reason we ate in the dining room. Other people did too.
I and my 3 sisters, as well as other girls we knew, at reaching a point in life, began our 'Hope Chests". My Aunt have me a sugar spoon from a good pattern that was meant to be the beginning of the silverware I would collect. I had a choice already. It was Flair. I was collecting it set by set or piece by piece sometime after 1956 when it came on the market in Sears catalogue. I ended up with 12 place settings. (I did what other girls did but I never stopped and asked myself who would come for dinner, with only the vague fact in mind that I might get married and have the family to dinner....as happened in Mom's life)
Then I found the most lovely china pattern, 'Starburst" blue and silver starbursts, not messy, on a white backgrounf. The dinner plates have a 'dip' in the centre where the excess 'gravy or whatever juices' will collect and not be at the edgs to slop off.. the next fine feature was the cup handles. There was such comfort and no way it felt they would slip.
3 sets of salt and pepper, 12 coasters/ashtrays,
Well 12 place settings and all this is packed in 3 boxes in my closet here. I packed it from my china cabinet in Ontario and it is still in the same boxes 10 years later. I don't even know if anything is broken, considering the way the N treated my belongings.
I gave my silverware chest and silverware to my daughter at Xmas one year and planned on this chinaware but SHE and her generation were not having "12 for dinner".
I used them always with Joe's family for dinner and even toward the end when just 'Charlie' came to dinner.
I think I could call someone to come and remove those boxes to get them out of my way almost as though they were garbage and taking up space.
Who buys 12 place settings?
I could divide into 2 x 6 place settings or 3 x 4 place settings. I did advertize that way once with no response.
I just don't know what to do with them----even if I could SELL them---but it is such a flipping shame they are going to waste.