I was just feeling so discouragerd. Not only has my mom not backed off, she seems to have stepped up. So I was searching through careerbuilder.com and I had been thinking about a sales job I had before we opened our store almost 15 years ago..............selling furniture. I was feeling overwhelmed by the whole management thing and not being able to do my job with mom in the way. I found a job with the company I worked for. Thought of it BEFORE I went to the web. There was a job available AND the money was exactly where I needed it to be. THen I thought.....wouldn't it be nice to go in, sell, sell, sell and go home........no disciplinary duties. No scheduling. No advertising and marketing. No long and drawn out meetings with my mom.......just me, doing what I do best.............SELL!!
I am getting this "get out of Jail" feeling. I think, ok, could this be the answer. Forget the career. I am old enough I would prefer to retire anyway. No real stress.....(yes, there is some backstabbing in sales.......but I am a tough girl who does not have a problem standing up for myselfr.....) Away from my mom. No fighting with our former employees who are opening the store two miles away. No "christian" stress. Freedom from all that!!
Now we will see if they will hire me!