Author Topic: I think I am finally ready to jump  (Read 15387 times)


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Re: I think I am finally ready to jump
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2008, 08:21:33 AM »
And now a phone interview with the Clinique rep today over the phone and tomorrow I go in so I am busy.  Monday will be a whirlwind!

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Re: I think I am finally ready to jump
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2008, 09:17:26 AM »
That sounds exciting , Kelly. I always wanted to work at a make-up counter. I think it would be fun to help women feel more beautiful.   
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Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: I think I am finally ready to jump
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2008, 09:31:16 PM »
So I had my phone interview yesterday and then met with the HR manager and the store manager.  They will let me know by Wednesday.  Then I had a phone interview with the original furniture company.....then i took a personality test.  Lastly I went down town for another job (NOT) selling cable door to door!!!

I pretty much cancelled one for tomorrow....Slumberland is a smaller company in a different town and I just cannot see myself doing that.....

So lots of stuff going on.  I made it through today and we will see.  The waiting is the hardest part...

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Re: I think I am finally ready to jump
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2008, 10:57:09 PM »
you set your mind to making a change and you got a slew of interviews in a difficult market.  WOW!!!  That's impressive.


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Re: I think I am finally ready to jump
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2008, 09:16:48 PM »
Thanks now prop me up.  I am having all kinds of cognitive dissonance.  I need to remember that I can go spread my wings and remove myself from all the N drama.  Maybe in a few years if the business is still viable and she really IS ready to retire, I could go take over.

But don't let me back out.........I am fearful of the cosmetics manager for a couple reasons.  One the pay may be too low and two maybe they will not even hire me.  But I hope they at least offer it to me!!  THe furniture store?  If I get on there I know I could make a substantial living and that is a wonderful prospect for me!!

Lord, help me to do the right thing and make the right decision!

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Re: I think I am finally ready to jump
« Reply #20 on: September 25, 2008, 07:29:25 PM »
OK, so I go to the first job I wanted and applied for and they WANT ME!!!  In fact, I could have done a drug test today and started on Monday, but then they called and said, "You can start on Oct. 20th."  So needless to say I was excited and trying to figure out how I would be able to get over the bump of not making much money during my training.......I was thinking this ALL through today when I got a call from my church.  Church as 7000 members.  Anyway they have this new bookstore with a coffee shop.  They use the exact same computer system that we got at my store in May.  Well, the lady in charge of it quit and I am going to talk to them tomorrow about a full time position running their church store!!  Can you believe it?  That sounds like just the thing I want and need!!  I meet with them is what I know AND it is AWAY from my mom and all the drama with my former employees!!!  Pray for me.  This sounds like just the job I need!

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Re: I think I am finally ready to jump
« Reply #21 on: September 25, 2008, 08:04:07 PM »
Dear OC

It's not raining, it's pouring!! Great!!

You are now almost employed?  HURRAH!!!

Let us know tomorrow!
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Re: I think I am finally ready to jump
« Reply #22 on: September 25, 2008, 08:23:19 PM »
That church job sounds awesome for you.  Perfect.  I will indeed pray it happens.


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Re: I think I am finally ready to jump
« Reply #23 on: September 26, 2008, 05:51:51 PM »




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Re: I think I am finally ready to jump
« Reply #24 on: September 26, 2008, 05:56:40 PM »
So I went in today and talked with them.  I would be perfect for this job.....however, there is someone who is already working in the shop who wants the job.  He has no where near the experience I have..........also I am predicting the pay is waaaaaay low.  If it is not too low I may be able to wrap my arms around it.  Have faith that God will provide, etc.  Do my V4l business.  I get the feeling that they want people who have been around the church for along time.  We are new and he was surprised I didn't know about the special education program they had.  I told him my kids still go to the church they grew up at......and I must have missed it!!

Oh well, and when I gave them my name as someone who could help a long time ago they didn't contact me because they thought I would be too bossy or bring my store into it and they wanted it to be different.  For whatever reason...................but they NEED me.  The store needs my experience!!

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Re: I think I am finally ready to jump
« Reply #25 on: September 27, 2008, 09:51:37 AM »

So if they offer me the church job I predict the pay will be half of what I am making now.  Our budget is tight right now.  But I could do great things with their store.

If I take the furniture sales position, I could make MORE than I make right now. 

BUT the economy is so bad, what if we plummet into a depression and no one has money for furniture and I make NO money.

And please do not tell me to downsize.  I know the market.  Houses sit on the market for months and years.  I do not want to move.

Any insight??

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Re: I think I am finally ready to jump
« Reply #26 on: September 27, 2008, 10:27:54 AM »
Could you take the church one with the agreement that you could sell your MLM product there? Does that sound workable?      Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: I think I am finally ready to jump
« Reply #27 on: September 27, 2008, 11:07:25 AM »
I'm a security freak (having none), Kell.
Given things w/your marriage...and that life will always, always bring SOME kind of change...
I think what I would do is ask the church what level of commitment they would make to you.
Would they agree to a salary review in 6 months?

Would they agree that if the church store business slows, they would create compensatory tasks for you so your income would be guaranteed not to drop if that happened? (If it were me, I'd want them to say, yes, you could polish the candlesticks, help with RE part-time, or whatever...). I would ask for something like that so they accept that they are making a commitment to me.

The only difference I see between the church store and pure private sector (furniture store) is that the former might have some ethical hesitation about layoffs, that the latter would not. And you're right about the economy.

I believe MLM success, real success, is rare as hen's teeth. In a shaky economy, expensive supplements get replaced by drugstore brands in many people's budgets, I'd think.

Furniture...well, if things get really bad people will buy second-hand or make do. So it does seem like an unsafe industry for bad times. Would either job give you health insurance or any other benefits? That could be a deciding factor.

I guess if you can't move (I understand why) I would do everything in your power to scale back consumption...clothes, extras, entertainment, prepared foods. Build an emergency fund.

(Like I haven't.)


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Re: I think I am finally ready to jump
« Reply #28 on: September 27, 2008, 11:58:21 AM »
Good advise.  Both offer good benefits.  The bookstore would be so much more flexible but I really cannot even consider something that is half of what I get now.  I could scale back but I do not think we go overboard as it is.  I guess I could do the old cash and envelope budget where you put the money in each envelope and that is ALL you get to spend until next pay check...

Furniture store I could reasonable make a lot more money but I know they are hiring dozens of people.  The store is under construction so until it is done next Spring the floor may be a bit flooded with employees.

I still haven't heard from the Clinique people//////my gut is they are not going to offer it to me.  When I called on Wednesday they said another person "popped" up.  She told me she would probably know by Thursday.........well, it is officially Saturday and no word.  This leads me to believe I will receive a Dear John letter.  They also had a Sales Manager position and I wondered if they might consider me for that.......who knows??

I know I can take the job at the furniture store.  I predict our store will go belly up anyway.  I would rather get out now rather than when I was forced out.

To be free from mom is the ultimate goal, though, isn't it???

I want to build my Vision For Life business and for some reason I am kind of frozen................paralyzed and I do not know why.......almost like I make myself fail because of my mom.  Like a self fulfilling prophecy.  I need to get out there.  It is truly ground floor in Iowa and I see Monavie growing like crazy but my product is so much better...

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Re: I think I am finally ready to jump
« Reply #29 on: September 27, 2008, 04:18:33 PM »
I must have missed...being Cdn?... that you were in a MLM scheme. I have to agree with Hops on this.

I frankly cannot see someone who joins well after the pyramid has begun, ever make it.

My N sister was in Amway for twenty years. She swore by their products and was overwhelmed with thoughts of wealth beyond belief, diamonds, yachts, etc and every month she made the trek to a meeting whereby she listened to all this again..She was angry with me for not becoming her 'down-line'. She is out now

A gal here was in a Pyramid scheme with Nutrametics. She had a few customers, but she bought more for herself because of a discount? She asked me to help her keep personal and business straight and she was not posting a personal expense from personal to business. She thought she was loaded, and wasn't.  She is out now

The friends who just came to visit were in Essential Oils and it took all my determination to not buy anything just for their sake. They are out now.

Well there are more but all those cement blocks at the bottom of the pyramid will not move up when there are really heavy ($loaded$) blocks at the top ....maybe 3,4,5, are millionaires, but if my pushy sister spent 20 years at Amway, well, she was still poor when she left.

I apologize for being so negative, as I usually say to myself that I would never destroy a person's hope, a person's dream, as that might be all they have.

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