Author Topic: Ranting N's but something goes wrong during the Rant..and we are left laughing..  (Read 1170 times)


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I know that we all have not to pleasant memories of things that have taken place in our lives form N's  but the pain ones are not the only ones I have...

I know we spoke about the crazy gifts they have given and the laughs we shared about them..and these are some of my funny memories ..right smack in the middle of them..on a Rant..

I remember my ex-h in a rant at the dinner table..I don't remember why..just remember a rant..I remember him getting up pushing his chair out..with the look of I guess I told sit down....he he..without pushing the chair back in..and actually for a second in a sitting position..I swear with no chair under him..and the look on his face :shock: :shock:...the UH OH..Big eyes..mouth in a circle...and crash....I still laugh out loud...him getting up and my laughter out of control and Loud to where I could not even talk I was laughing so hard...fell over dying laughing.....and then....him trying to punish me by saying...I'm not hungry now and throw his food in the I laughed all night.. :lol: :lol: with a full stomach....Priceless.

Or a friend...ranting carrying on...this and that...Me. Me. Me....them, them them capturing an audience close to her..everyone listening in a close circle ..only words we could hear were hers...*she took control of the conversation* talked about someone (drinking a beer) and then.........then.....She Cut the Cheese :shock: :shock:....Loud and long... and again....I fell on the floor laughing...rolling over...with many other people....with me....OMG everything she tried to do was forgotten only remembered...Ha ha.....Priceless...  :lol: :lol: :lol:



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I really didn't think I could smile today never mind laugh my head off. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thank you...Thank you....Thank you...            Timing........Perfect.               ox seasons
"Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak Kindly. Leave the Rest to God."
Maya Angelou


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You know Deb, I am atrocious at laughing at people who do things embarrassing to themselves--iin a way in which they are not physically hurt and that they cannot hear the laughter. I hear it again when I tell it to some one else.......................but when it's me I laugh as well....(sometimes)

I was driving in my home town in snowy Ontario and was stopped at a flashing red, while plenty of cars were coming up the one-way and turning left on their flashing orange. Bit of a wait and I looked around, saw a head walking.. 'floating because of cars and snowbanks), then it fell out of sight. Then it popped back up very quickly, and looked in every direction, as though to see who had seen, and 'floated' about 2 more steps and dropped out of sight again.

I began laughing so hard I couldn't get in gear to move forward. Serves him right....for walking!... in the ice and snow!

My dad was dying and spent his last 3 months at home with Mom taking care of him. He had plenty of visitors come to see him.
He died on a Monday at 4:30am. I was over at the house with mom and a sister. We were in the kitchen talking and a truck pulled up. A quite elderly gentleman came to the door, a screen door, as the inside one was open. Mom said to Come in. He did and took off his hat and twisted it by the brim around and round, and asked, "Well How is the old fella?" Mom said, "oh. He died".
Silence and his fingers must have lost their feeling as his hat fell onto the floor and he turned and left without saying a thing. His hat sat on the floor and Mom, sis and I laughed, quietly, and could scarcely stop. Just look at his hat and we were off into the laughter again.

He and his wife finally were under control, so they came into the house and he picked up his hat and they gave their condolences. Boy it was difficult still to hold back the laughter, just looking at his hat!

My contribution to show I understand your inabilty to not laugh!

« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 03:18:29 AM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"